

Do you regularly visit the Sammatzer gardens and parks? Do you enjoy the time there throughout the seasons? Maybe some of your favourite places are here, such as the Waldsee or the Arena with its mysterious sculptures.

Or do you enjoy the many animals of the Archehof, which children are allowed to stroke? Have the little ones discovered the ‘Kunterbunt’ playground and want to go there again and again?
Or have you enjoyed one or more concerts at Waldsee and are looking forward to the new program?

General donations

You think the overall initiative is good and we can use your donation wherever it is most needed.

Donations for a specific purpose

Do you want to do something good and support concrete initiatives? Maybe you have been following the activities at Michaelshof for some time, have heard or read about planned projects and now you want to help us realise them? Then we would be very happy about a special donation. Pick a project – we’ll be happy to tell you what’s happening in the near future!

Donations instead of gifts

Are you planning a birthday party, wedding, anniversary or other celebration, and instead of receiving gifts, you want to do good for the long term because you already have everything you need?

Celebrate for a good cause! Well possible in our café at Michaelshof, maybe combined with a walk around the Waldsee and through our gardens. If you want to ask your guests for donations to Michaelshof instead of gifts for your celebration, we are happy to advise you.


Claudia Brady, CEO
Tel 05858 970 30
Janet Haacke, CEO
Tel 05858 970 67
Olaf Hobe, project management
Tel 05858 970 98

Donation campaign 2019:

Friendship without Borders!

A simple contribution – double the impact. During our campaign ‘Friendship Without Borders’, your donation counts twice for our international cultural exchange, because generous friends of Michaelshof double every euro given. This will happen for the entirety of 2020.

Thanks to your willingness to donate, we can give a solid foundation to the international cultural exchange with young people from all over the world. Not everyone comes from a country or a social circumstance that makes traveling and learning easy. From a filled donation pot, we can help our new friends quickly and unbureaucratically.


All initiatives have a cocoon in which they live and grow. To do so, it is necessary to refurbish a building, buy new equipment, or otherwise finance an environment for projects. Sometimes they are bigger, sometimes smaller – but it always depends to some extent on this material background whether things can go on or not.

Borrowing money cheaply also helps

We would be very happy if you had the opportunity to help us with long-term and low-interest loans. In doing so, you would make a piece of the future a reality.

Furthermore, you will be able to see in concrete terms what a positive effect your money has when it ‘works’ with us.

If you are interested and have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly!

Claudia Brady, CEO
Tel 05858 970 30
Janet Haacke, CEO
Tel 05858 970 67
Olaf Hobe, project management
Tel 05858 970 98


To want to have an impact beyond one’s own life is a basic human desire. But often we are reluctant to sort out our inheritance. With your inheritance or life insurance benefits, you can create, change, and sustain even after death by supporting the Michaelshof Sammatz in your will.

In this case, legal advice can be useful. Please contact a lawyer or notary, as we are not allowed to offer legal advice.

Tax Benefit: Non-profit organisations such as the Trust Foundation affiliated with Michaelshof are exempt from inheritance tax.

Donations of condolence

Sad occasions can also bring about hope. The values that were important to the deceased during their lifetime can become stronger, comforting the mourners.

Today instead of wreaths or flowers, some people ask for a commemorative donation to support an initiative that the deceased felt connected with. Choose Michaelshof for this and we can make the agreement together

If you are interested and have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly!


Claudia Brady, CEO
Tel 05858 970 30
Janet Haacke, CEO
Tel 05858 970 67
Olaf Hobe, project management
Tel 05858 970 98

Let’s get started!

Michaelshof is a place where a lot of things can happen. What we do we never do just for ourselves – we believe in ‹making the world a better place› with human activity. Are you with us?

Many projects for which Sammatz was or could be a good starting ground will only work in the long run if people help. We cannot do it by ourdselves – but together with others they become real.


Sammatz developed to an incredible hub for young people from all over the world – global humanity instead of narrow minded nationalism! But only with your help we can turn what already is a ‹second home› for many volunteers into an international campus that inspires many lifes and would also serve as a political model.


It is the same for keeping old farm animal breeds. We gave them a home many consider being exemplary. Will you help us to maintain these standards and give them a financially stable foundation? As a best practice model of agriculture instead of cruelty to animals and exploitation of nature?

House of Nature/events.

This place combines all it needs to introduce visitors young and old to the beauty of nature, and by this to its more subtle truths – an immense task of our time which is loosing the connection to nature! And we have the means to stage sparkling, high-class events to connect the arts with the social sphere which have a lasting inspirational impact on the participants. The Waldsee concerts and the building of our House of Nature are two major steps into this direction. Will you be with us for the steps ahead – shall we turn it into a path?

Let’s talk about it

We offer you different options of supporting these and other activities. Funding the Arche-Hof farm, donating for intercultural exchange, becoming a supporting friend of a specific field of activity of of the entire project. Low interest loans can also be very helpful. Please the tabs above for more info.

Thank you very much

for your commitment!

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Opening Hours

Mon. - Fri.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sat.: 08.00 - 21.00
Sun. and holidays: 09.30 - 21.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00
Mon. - Fri.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sat.: 08.00 - 21.00
Sun. and holidays: 09.30 - 21.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Adress: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Adress: Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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