Volunteers from all over the World
Life and Work in Sammatz
What is Sammatz?
Well, to us, Sammatz is a lot of things. It’s
In short, Sammatz is a small community (for now) in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany. The village consists of a few houses, a lake, a Cafe, and a farm. It’s comprised of 100 people, (20 of which are children) and anywhere from 10-100 volunteers at any given time

As you can see,
this is exactly the point:
A Community
Needs People,
And We Need You!
What awaits you…
We have all sorts of work to be done, and we cater to any and all skills that you might have. We have a lot of work to do, and it’s not just in construction. We need gardeners, wood workers, cleaners, kitchen helpers, and babysitters. If you are none of the aforementioned, it doesn’t matter. We will work with you. Most importantly, we need people who not only are willing to work and have a strong work ethic but that also have the motivation to learn, as well as a solid head on their shoulders.
We will feed you and put a roof over your head. We will give you work, with an amazing group of people from all over the world. If you are a hard worker and are willing to stay long term, we will even consider remuneration.

Does this suit you?
Then take the chance,
Contact us!
Find out more! Go straight to the contact page and tell us more about yourself