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# 12 / JULY 2021

Man. Nature. Future.

KalliEco, a new group of voters ready to go

Here comes KalliEco! We have founded a voters’ association at Michaelshof for the local elections in September. The name says ist all: “Kalli-” from the Greek “beautiful”, “Eco” from the English “ecological”. A voters’ association for beautiful, green villages and towns in Lüchow-Dannenberg. It stands for nature protection, which sees in humans not only a disturbing factor, but a helper shaping the present and future together with nature. For us, having our county in mind, this translates to:

  • Fostering organic agriculture and help conventional farmers to switch.
  • Sustainable tourism, ecological projects and innovative green enterprises
  • A colorful, lively Wendland where young people enjoy living and working alongside the elderly
  • A different style of human interaction: citizens, political parties, authorities – we need a breeze of fresh air!

Moving things together, supporting each other, thinking project-oriented. Attention to detail and enthusiasm for big ideas. Conservation and change!

There are people everywhere who want to start something or join in with others. Let’s get together and make even more of our unique region! The landscape and nature are already beautiful – but left to themselves, we would only find wilderness. To shape the future, we need ideas: For example, a ‹Garden Region Wendland› with smooth transitions to village structures, to agriculture and nature conservation, to small towns and businesses, to forests and waters. Open for tourism and a colorful social life – at the same time connected with the home that the Wendland is for all of us.
So let’s give our district the flair and charisma that make it an attractive location for us and all visitors:

Social. Global. Sustainable. Simply beautiful.

Man. Nature. Future. KalliEco is here – in Neu Darchau, in the joint municipality Elbtalaue and in the district Lüchow-Dannenberg.
For this we need support on all levels – join us, vote for us if you live in the district, support us. Some tailwind and your feedback also help when there’s a lot of action in the election campaign.
We‘ll be in the middle of the campaign when we‘ll send the next newsletter – you will hear from us!

Visit our website: kallieco.de
Write us a mail: info@kallieco.de
Support us: KalliEco e.V., DE17 2405 0110 0065 8235 10

Michaelshof up-to-date – at a glance!

Opening hours:
Arche-Hof Farm: 
Mon-Sun: 8 am – 7 pm
Farm Shop:
Mon-Fri: 9.30 – 12 am

                3 – 6.30 pm
Sat: 10 am – 6.30 pm
Sun & holidays: 10 am – 6.30 pm
Café am Michaelshof:
Mon-Fri: 8 am – 6 pm
Sat: 8 am – 6.30 pm
Sun & holidays: 9.30 am – 6.30 pm


Wed & Sat: 7 am – 1 pm
Sun: 12 am – 6 pm
We ask you to comply with the current safety regulations in Lower Saxony.
About yesterday’s
Music in the Sammatz Gardens
‹Clarinet magic›

The music is back! Yesterday we had the first concert of the year in Sammatz.
In front of our House of Nature, in the middle of our gardens, Žilvinas Brazauskas, clarinet, and Violetta Khachikyan, piano, played pieces of Brahms, Schumann and the Russian composer Alexander Glasunow.

The concert was literally magical. Although the weather forecast promised rain, we didn’t feel a drop. Thank you to everyone that came and listened.

Til next time? Keep yourself updated on the next events.
In the gardens at Michaelshof you will find …
Coneflower – Echinacea
The plant, which originates from North America, was already an important remedy in indigenous medicine. Echinacea helps with colds, heals wounds and strengthens the body’s defenses. Blooming beautifully right now in the campus garden and on our medicinal plant field, always swarmed by all kinds of insects.
The flight artists love our water areas – the Waldsee as well as the ponds in the campus garden and the arena. Since this summer, our ecology team has included dragonflies in their monitoring – we are excited about the findings!
… and on the meadows
Left: A Polistes nimpha queen (field wasp) building a nest on a thistle.
Right: Some time later: guards guard the grown nest.
The Megachile pilidens bee, threatened with extinction in Lower Saxony, forages on thorny knapweed and white clover.
On drugs and courage

Why I don’t drink or ‘consume’ other stuff? Quite simply, I have better things to do. Going for a walk, for example. That clears my head instead of confusing ist. Or meeting friends. They find me quite funny even when I’m not drunk. Somehow original, they say. So authentic. I’d rather spend money on organic food than on colorful pills. You get more out of it!

Please don’t think that #drugfree has always been my master plan. There were dubious times when I could not imagine a full week without vino & cerveza. That was a rather toxic relationship.
Then the challenge: 40 days – 1 bet – 0 drugs. At first I thought my friends were a bit delirious! But sure, a bet was a bet.
Now I’m sitting here, sober and really unfoggy, looking out into the horizon, with no more intrusive addictions except for sugar, perhaps. Back to past? No way. My life has been pretty easy going since I fought my way to self-confidence even when sober. I know enough of the ‹don’t-be-a-game-spoiler-it’s-just-a-beer› comments, but I counter them skillfully. And I have become more courageous – to ask, to dare and to dance.
The very best? No more hangover. Except maybe on the swing.

You see, there are still plenty of high feelings…🤗
Dideldum, Warbasei, Narabei. Rieve, Rieve, Dooley, Dooley. Oh God, what a goody I’ve got here:
Ipsa Lim and Pup Salah
went through the whole crowd
found the ways,
ran to the place.

What to say about it? When the thought comes, it already flies, flies away, can hardly be caught. Speak in numerals. Because what should one do? Sometimes one is too slow, sometimes too fast. Sometimes you are – just right. This moment of happiness is to be caught. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. Who knows, who knows. That’s how you go through life. Left and right, in front, behind, above, below. Well, what can you say? In an instant, he right thing is found.
But only sometimes the day brings happiness. Sometimes the day is more on a downward slope. But then you have to look into the distance. Where perhaps… happiness still prevails…
So you see: Don’t give in to melancholy, walk a story, say sorry, mory, tell a story. God save the Queen.
Again I got carried away with the horses:

He could hardly be held
He wants to unfold
He wants to be in diapers
He wants to fly to universe

I follow him. But before I take off, I already fall over my own feet. I stumble. How often in life does this happen. We want to take off, but on the contrary, we fall on our face.
But undaunted we want to go on. We want to look, we want to live. So Salvatore ponders what the future will bring. And with inner conviction he says: Great!
Naïve, wise: Who knows. Salvatore speaks.

Stuff online that we 
Utopia-conference with Maja Göpel and Richard David Precht on August 24th & 25th. This is where things happen, this is where the future is shaped. There  you will find the utopia-website. We’re also taking part in the conference with the topic ‹Lived utopia – living and working in community, how does it work?›

‹Maja Göpel, how can we think the world differently?›. If you have 3.5 hours to spare, the podcast ‘Everything said?” will give you some exciting ideas for the future.

The summer-hit of our volunteers, Ciro and Gabriela’s favorite song:
Ríe Chinito – to melt away!
BEAN MADNESS – our canned pole beans are stacking up to the ceiling. Thanks to great help with snipping and canning, our winter supply is growing. SDG18: Canning. Is sustainable!
STUNNING – & special this year: our lush, colorful, exciting Perennial Plateau!
DID YOU SAY GARDEN? – last week, the entire Michaelshof was on its knees. Dug up and weeded, the arena was made beautiful again – finally even supported by open-air violin playing of our young guest Anmei.
GODFRIED – our new bull Godfried has settled in well in the herd and even goes out to the pasture with the ladies. We’re very happy about that!
GOATMILK – our goats give loads of milk. We look forward to cheese & more in the farm store and café.
DER WAGEN – has a new location on Sundays in Sammatz. You can now find it in the gardens in front of the House of Nature – of course with the delicious organic burgers again!
Mexico City
from Talia Xochitlanezi Salazar Guerrero, Mexico City, Mexico
Hola a todos! It’s been almost three years since I took a plane back to Mexico City, but somehow I still feel part of Sammatz and I see reflections of it all around me every day, even in my work!
When I arrived in Sammatz I was looking to reconnect with the natural course of things in nature and life, take a break from computer and city life, and to start a new chapter just being me without any professional labels or old friends and family anecdotes. And it sure worked! I tried almost every task available and every bread baked in the beautiful stone oven, enjoyed great talks and magic long walks, made friends from all over the world and all the way between 2 years and about 75 years old, danced every Friday and sang along everyday. All these joys and lessons, helped me realize …   READ FURTHER
For our team we are looking for dynamic and proacitve people who like to take responsibility and have a zest for life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are searching for experts in the following areas:
        For Screen Lovers: 
  • Marketing expert
  • Social Media / Onlinemarketing 
  • Public Relations
  • IT / Web-Development
  • IT in General
  • Photo Editing / Archive

  • Agriculture
  • Gardening
  • Construction, Carpentry, Drywall Construction
  • Electricity
  • Janitorial Service
  • artenbau / Gärtnerei  

  • Dairy
  • Bakery  

        Humans & Healing
  • Doctor
  • Pharmacy
  • Pedagogy / Social Worker
  • Action art
  • Kindergarden               
Lacking the qualifications, but you are still interested?
Just give it a try!
Send your application with a picture to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll contact you!
Folgt uns in den Social Media:
One for the road! Whether over or under the table – passion fruit smoothies are the summer drink 2021!
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Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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