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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                  # 14 / SEPTEMBER 2021

Thank you Lüchow-Dannenberg! KalliEco, a new voters’ association in our district, got mandates on all three municipal levels at the first election, three months after its founding. So Claudia Brady and Janosch Toth represent us in the municipality of Neu Darchau, Janet Haacke in the joint municipality of Elbtalaue and Fabian Drossel in the district council of Lüchow-Dannenberg.
A good start! We are very happy about the good feedback from our region and thank you all for your trust!

For us, the last few weeks have been exhausting, but also incredibly exciting and full of interesting conversations. We met so many people on the streets and on the markets and had good and important encounters. Our goals hit a nerve in the region: Social. Global. Sustainable. Simply beautiful.

Now it’s time to get in touch, get to know each other, and to transform ideas into tangible projects that allow us to make a difference together.

And for all those who do not live in our district: Maybe KalliEco will come to you one day. Whether you live here or further away: Feel free to contact us if you are interested!
This works best, if you visit our website and/or subscribe for our  KalliEco newsletter!
So, see you soon for a future-talk?

By the way: have you already seen our 
KalliEco Video?
Click to see the KalliEco video
Click to subscribe to the KalliEco newsletter
Thank you Ciro! Without your music, the campaign would have been half the fun. Enjoy Argentina, see you soon in Sammatz!

… at the sky over Michaelshof
The end of summer marks the departure of many bird species that have graced us with their presence since spring.

But despite all the melancholy about the disappearance of our feathered companions and all the wanderlust we feel when we see the flocks in the sky heading south, new life is also coming to our latitudes. From the far north and northeast we will soon be able to marvel at exciting species such as Whooper Swans and Bewick’s Swans, a wide variety of geese, Mountain Finches, Redwing and Juniper Thrushes, Waxwings and many more that will spend the winter here. What is north for some is south for others.
Male hen harrier
Young meadow harrier
Something very special is the annual alternation of two related griffins. In the summer half-year we can observe here with some luck the meadow harriers, which have become rare. When they have finished their breeding activities here, they slowly move back to their wintering grounds south of the Sahara from the end of July. At the same time, from the end of August, the no less rare hen harriers gradually return from their northern breeding grounds, e.g. in Sweden and Finland. Many fly as far as the Mediterranean or even North Africa, but some also stay here in the area and can often be observed in loose colonies until about April.
Cranes in flight
Autumn seminars in Sammatz

Nature – delve in and understand

Autumn is an inspiring time for nature lovers. Not only because we can see and harvest the fruits of our labor, but also because nature shows us so openly and honestly what she’s got. Mushrooms sprouting from the ground, soils turning the most beautiful rich dark brown, wind and weather blowing around people’s heads.
At Michaelshof you can attend four exciting seminars in October that will take you out into nature:
Mushroom seminar – If you’ve always wanted to make a colorful mushroom pan from your own picking, come by on October 2 & 3 for extensive walks in the woods with mushroom expert Wolfgang Krantz. The mushroom year is good – and understanding mushrooms is almost as exciting as picking them. Bring sturdy shoes and fitness! 🙂
2nd Apple Day in Sammatz

Variety identification, exhibition, juice press, culinary specialties, guided tours and information, colorful children’s program

So October 10,
11a.m.- 5p.m.

The biodynamic preparations – What is the difference between organic and Demeter agriculture? The biodynamic preparations are a decisive factor. On October 23,
9 a.m.-6 p.m.
, you can be there live when we make them and explain what they are all about. An experience!
Basis for everything – Our soils – Life doesn’t just start when the grass grows. The soil on which everything thrives is itself alive – and it needs care! On October 30, 9 a.m.- 6p.m., it’s all about humus, earthworms, biological soil structure and the methods to make soil quality visible.
Furthermore: Kennenlerntag – Want to be part of the community? Come and experience how we live and work in the Michaelshof community. Talk to us, discuss with us, have fun with us. A good mix of input and hands-on experience centered around the question: How do I want to live? Thursday, October 21, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

You can book all our events on our website.
Michaelshof up to date – at a glance!

Opening hours:

Mo-Su                          8.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.

Farm shop:
Mo-Fr                           9.30 a.m.  – 12.00 p.m.
                                     2.00 p.m.  –   6.30 p.m.                          
Sa                                 10.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Su & Bank holidays    10.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Mo-Fr                            8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
                                      2.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. 
Sa                                  8.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Su & Bank holidays     9.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Wochenmarkt, Lüneburg:
We & Sa                         7.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Sammatz: Sunday        12.00 p.m. -6.00 p.m.

Please follow the Covid 19-regulations of Lower Saxony.
When summer leaves…

...and autumn prepares rubber boots, wool sweaters and rain jackets for you, then we normally get a little melancholic. Should it really be over now with shorts and sun hats, with cold drinks and sunburn? One could ask oneself in vain which plane to take to escape the misery. But, as we know, ‹the beauty of the countryside is that you really find something beautiful in each and every tide›.
Now, for example, in the last moments of September, we can witness the joyful hustle and bustle in the vegetable field. It is swarming with people bringing in the harvest. Back they come with peppers and squash, beans, beets and the last tomatoes. And the fresh air in the morning!
‹Bye old friend, see you soon!› we whisper into summer’s ear and welcome autumn with open arms.
The end of September is Michaelmas time, the feast of the archangel who fights the dragon. Courage time! Courage has a lot to do with the strength of the heart and it begins with seemingly small things. For example, approaching someone, even if he/she radiates: ‹Just leave me alone, I’ll manage on my own.› Or confiding in someone with a problem you’re embarrassed about or a character trait you’re ashamed of.
In the fall, kids fly kites – “dragons” they’re called in German. Adults should do the same, ‹letting their dragon fly›, because Michael’s dragon lives in ourselves, in the corners of the soul where no light is cast. It takes courage to reveal something of oneself, of one’s own inclinations, weaknesses, dark sides, wounds. Show your wound! We often do not dare to do it because we fear disappointment. But how relieving and gratifying can it be to be seen by a person?
If it succeeds, the autumn and winter time is suddenly much brighter. Outside, the world of flowers is now slowly fading away. But there are also the colors and beauties of the human soul that shine particularly beautiful. If we dare to go to this place of courage, the autumn and winter depression can stay away this year …
21 Excited Kids Discover the Bavarian hinterland

Peronnik on holidays 
Mossy rocky outcrops, lush green mountain meadows with wild orchids, a swim in the ice-cold torrent in front of the house, the summit cross of the Small Arber after several hours of climbing: unforgettable impressions that the 21 Peronnik children and teenagers will take home with them from their vacation trip to the Bavarian Forest this summer. Most of the children and teenagers with social-emotional development disorders have never seen mountains before. When, after a good 8-hour journey by coach, the first mountains appear and the roads narrow shortly before the destination, a mountain hut in Zellertal, the amazement is great.
‹For our children and young adults, going on vacation together during the summer vacations is the highlight of the year. They usually look forward to it for weeks beforehand.› Pauline manages one of the six residential groups at the Peronnik Children’s and Youth Services facility and organized the vacation trip. This year, she says, the children were particularly excited – the expedition to faraway Bavaria was so much more exotic than the well-known sea in neighboring Denmark.                                       –> READ FURTHER
Санкт Петербург

Dear Sammatziens and Volunteeres,

I’m writing you from St. Petersburg, Russia. I don’t know how it is with you, but we’re getting close to mid-autumn here, which means that we haven’t seen each other for almost a year and I’ve already missed everyone almost unbearably!

For those who don’t know me: My name is Toma. I am a medical doctor and have worked as an endocrinologist in Russia. And now, after having spent 8 months in Sammatz, I’m on my way to become a doctor in Germany. I fell in love with Sammatz and the whole idea of the place and I really want to become at least a little part of it.

When I was at Michaelshof most of the time I’ve been working in Peronnik. It was not always easy-breezy, but it showed my soul and mind the right direction to move on. The kid I was working with there is beyond what you can call extraordinary, most of you already know this. I don’t think it’s possible to describe her in this tiny postcard, but to be honest, every time when I was walking with her in the woods it was literally like hanging out with my best friend! I miss her a lot now, like I miss all other kids and care givers there. And just in case you read this: Giuliana, Leon, Barbara, Hilke and Michael, my heart is totally yours!

I have returned to Russia in October last year and since then have spent most of my time trying to get back to Sammatz. Because of visa regulations, this happened to be incredibly difficult, and unexpectedly painful. Well of course I was rejected before, but I guess my poor heart was not ready to face the rejection from an entire country. The only fortune in this whole “visa story”, is that, hopefully, I am starting very, very slowly, to really speak German. Which is OMG! And as soon as the opportunity arises, I will for sure boast with it in front of you! 🙂                                                                     –> READ MORE


Things we’ve found on the web &
Did you know? The entire European Parliament moves once a month for 3 days from Brussels to Strasbourg to the ‹Second Parliament›. All of them. All of it. Around 5,000 people, members of parliament and their entourage. This means about 20,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year – as much as 13,000 flights from London to New York and back – and costs of 114-180 Mio.€. The EU Parliament – expert body for climate protection … Click here for the video.

WIR-Bündnis Elbe Valley – congratulations on the funding! The aim of the project is to shape new work, new ways and new forms of living through ‹intensive and creative cooperation in the four-country corner› – our region where four German federal states border. An ‹innovation landscape for future change› is to be created in our region by 2028. Here’s the website!

Billie Eilish – really? Sure, go listen to her Bossa Nova. Exactly the right music to groove into the first autumn days. 
HELLO ASPHALT – No more puddles and rocky rides at crawling speed. The village road, which has been a ‹romantic› sand-loam-mud driveway (“Just like Tolstoy!”) since it was connected to the municipal sewer system, is being surfaced again. Inliners and skateboarders, get ready!
GOOD BYE VEGETABLE FIELD – No lease renewal for our 30 years biodynamically maintained vegetable field. It was also a favorite place of many Sammatzians and guests, where it was wonderful to ponder about life, a world of its own right next to the gardens. As of October 1, it will again be cultivated conventionally. It is a pity that such a thing is still possible! With a little tear in our eyes we say goodbye. And are happy about the first medicinal plants that moved to our new field on the other side of the village. On we go!
HARVESTING – HARVESTING – HARVESTING – Beans in all colors, sugar beets for the animals, beetroot in the salad, and with autumn the infamous Sammatzian pumpkin season starts. Come by, you can find our fresh Demeter vegetables in the farm store!
BEM VINDO AURELIO – on August 31st the baby of Christina and Fabio was born. Congratulations! Welcome Aurelio!
For our team we are looking for dynamic and proacitve people who like to take responsibility and have a zest for life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are searching for experts in the following areas:
        For Screen Lovers: 
  • Marketing
  • Social Media / Onlinemarketing 
  • Public Relations
  • IT in General
  • Photo Editing / Archive

  • Agriculture
  • Gardening
  • Construction, Carpentry, Drywall Construction
  • Electricity   
  • Janitorial Services

  • Dairy
  • Confectionary  

        People & Healing
  • Doctor
  • Pharmacy
  • Pedagogy / Social Worker        
Lacking the qualifications, but still interested?
Just give it a try!
Send your application with a picture to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll contact you!
Follow us on Social Media:
Seriously? – It’s over already?!
Don’t worry, the next newsletter will be delivered to your
house on October 31st at the latest!
Copyright © 2021 Michaelshof, Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

©2025 Michaelshof e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung