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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                   # 17 / DECEMBER 2021

Merry Christmas and a happy start to the new year from Michaelshof! 

For all of us this year was one of restrictions, but we still had a lot of fun with new projects, new people and new insights. We hope you too!
We wish you a Christmas season full of hope, a lot of clear thinking and spiritual courage for the year 2022. Perhaps the time of external crises will enable us to have inner cohesion, interest in the world and a lot of strength to deal openly with spiritual questions.
This is also the subject of our first article


If you decide to trust someone, you risk having your heart broken. If you choose to show someone the most intimate, vulnerable parts of yourself – your fierceness, your tenderness, your jealousy and passion, you risk having them disregarded, chewed up and spat out. If you choose to join your life with someone’s, to ‘become one flesh’, you risk that a part of yourself will be ripped away, leaving a wound that won’t fully heal. The only way to ensure your safety is to keep your heart in a box, secure and protected, and to distract yourself with work and email, with social media, with Netflix, achievements and life goals, even politics and moral crusades. That might be wise, if keeping your heart in a box wasn’t far worse than heartbreak. But you do not have to trust indiscriminately.
You can learn to recognise the people who deserve to see you who are worth trusting with your heart and the deepest parts of yourself. You can learn not to return to the same careless people who will not take care of your heart when you place it in their keeping. Do not be like the dog that returns to its mess, and the proverb puts it. Trust yourself too. Trust you have resources you didn’t have when you were a child. Trust you have rationality, and the ability to reflect on your actions and make wise choices. Trust you have resilience to endure difficult times, trust harsh words and disappointments will not kill you. You are stronger than you think you are. Trust, above all, that you are worth something, and that you have something to contribute. We need you, especially during difficult times. Do not keep your heart in a box for only you to see. For when you lie in bed and take your final breaths, the only thing that will matter is whether you trusted or how truly you loved.

Good things from Sammatz
From us for you!
New year – new calendars!

If there are two things we like at Michaelshof, it’s probably flowers and pictures. In our five different 2022 Sammatz calendars, we combine our two passions for you.

Sammatz Gardens: We love tulips! That’s why we’ve put together a calendar in which the colorful wonders shine at you for a whole year. Especially good in winter, when it’s gloomy outside and magically colorful inside!

Roses – the queens of the flower kingdom! We have over 500 varieties at Michaelshof and have compiled our favorite motifs of the majestic flowering wonders for you in a calendar.

Come along to Finn Seixas’ exciting world of birds – it’s worth it! The wildlife educator has packed his favorite birding images into a fascinating calendar.
SAMoments: A real Michaelshof calendar for your home. We take you through the gardens, past the animals and also sometimes to the Elbe. Breathtaking motifs and great colors make you want to visit again!
If you love animals, you definitely get your money’s worth with the ‹Sammatzer Tierwelt›: from donkey to duck, from flocks of sheep to pigs to butterflies, they are all there! Due to its compact size and the cute motifs a really nice gift for big and small!

All calenders you can find in our Farm Shop, at the Market Trailor or in our Onlineshop!
Wool products – super popular at Michaelshof in winter are the cuddly wool products from Riegers with a share of Sammatzer wool! Whether jacket, vest or baby suit – you are perfectly equipped for the fresh weather. There are also socks, slippers, cute cuddly animals and wool to knit yourself. Where? As always in the farm store at Michaelshof or conveniently online.
From you for us?

Let’s do this together!
Michaelshof Sammatz is a place where many things are possible. What we do, we never do just for us – we believe that the world should become ‹a better place› through human commitment. Are you with us?

Where’s the money going?
In feed for our Ark animals, in small and large investments of the farm, in perennials and tulip bulbs, in gardening tools, in ecology projects, in the board and lodging of our international volunteers, in the supervision of school classes & interns, and overall in the so important teaching of education for sustainable development, which is very close to our hearts!
Michaelshof up-to-date – at a glance!

Opening hours:

Mo-Su                            9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Mo-Fr                            9.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
                                       3.00 p.m.  – 6.30 p.m.                                         
Sa                                  10.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Su & holidays               10.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Hofladen Christmas:
24. & 31.12.                   9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
25. & 26. 12.                     closed
01.01.22                           closed

Café am Michaelshof:
The Café is on winter break!


Wochenmarkt, Lüneburg:
We & Sa                          8.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

EDEKA Hartmann, Barendorf:
Thu                                 8.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.

Sa                                   3.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.

Please follow the Covid 19-regulations of Lower Saxony.
M I C H A E L S H O F – P R O D U C T S
 goes Wendland & further!

You cannot only find our products in our farm shop or in the onlineshop, but also brandnew: in the regional department of EDEKA Barendorf – twice a week also with our WAGEN in the parking lot: Every Thursday (3pm – 8pm) & Saturday (8-20 clock, except holidays) there are delicious burgers, fries, sandwiches and a colorful selection of Michaelshof products. All organic, all delicious! Come by and meet us!
It can be so pretty in Barendorf!
A brief history of the Christmas Tree
Many of our most well-known Christmas traditions have ancient roots, and take us back to a time before Christianity, and before the modern world we know. Take the Christmas tree, for example. Evergreen trees have been held sacred since Ancient Egypt and before, as a symbol of life and fertility in the midst of Winter. During the winter festival of Saturnalia, the Romans would decorate their houses with evergreen branches, to ward off spirits and bring good luck.
For the Celtic people, the sacred tree was not the fir tree but the oak. Oak trees draw lightning, due to their height and moist branches, and so in Celtic lore the Oak tree was the bringer of fire, and therefore warmth and light. On the day before the Winter Solstice, the Celts would decorate the village oak with fruit and nuts, and sometimes representations of the sun and moon. This was to symbolise the tree’s rebirth in the Spring and is a practice we continue today.
The first ‘official’ or ‘Christian’ Christmas tree was displayed in Strasbourg Cathedral in 1539, to commemorate the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ which grew in Paradise. From that date, devout Christians began displaying Christmas trees in their homes, to help them celebrate the birth of the Christ, who brings light into the darkest places.  
Today, decorating the Christmas tree is generally a ‘private’ practice, happening in people’s homes. But we should remember that for centuries the sacred tree was something shared by everyone, as a communal reminder of light and warmth, even in the depths of winter.
How far are you with your Christmas gifts? Everything ordered, everything wrapped? The grandma not forgotten and hopefully not the four-legged friends?

Personally, I am a difficult case when it comes to gifts. I’d rather get no gifts than bad gifts. Because I think my loved ones should save money and other resources instead of racking their brains, only to come up with a semi-nice decorative item.

I wish for a little time or a really good hug! Or a phone call when I need it, or my favorite chocolate! I wish for honest interest and good questions when I’m just stuck. So if you can’t find anything for Christmas or my birthday – no problem, I’m happy for another year of an important friendship.

That doesn’t mean I don’t love the good gifts too! The ones I’ve always wanted but never treated myself to, or the ones that are just blatantly my taste. This is simply an appeal to the fanatical gift seekers: Maybe the solution is closer than you think; and maybe you don’t have to buy it – at least not for me!
Indaial – Brazil
Hello Sammatz!

First I want to say, I miss you all so much, especially in this time it’s even a little stronger. Because it’s been 2 years since I spent one of the most magical Christmases of my life in the middle of nowhere in Northern Germany. I am grateful for that and will always remember all the moments and
experiences I lived with all of you. Sammatz has a piece of my heart and forms a page of my story.

In these two years since I returned to Brazil several things happened. The first year we were all more at home, during which I (once again) had the opportunity to connect to Sammatz – this time remotely – it filled my days and gave so many opportunities to grow professionally. Thank you so much for how many times you believed in me, even more than I did. You are part of who I have become, and I am so grateful for that.
Nowadays I’m working at a marketing company, living with my family, and in 2022 I’ll be doing a master’s degree in marketing here in Brazil.
Also, I’m still on the move, traveling, cycling, getting to know places in Brazil. This desire to travel inside of Brazil also got stronger after my time in Sammatz, with all the interaction I had with friends from other countries. 
So, I have plans to back to Sammatz in the future, I don´t know exactly when, but I hope very soon. For now, I’ll be connected with you via Social Media while treasuring all the memories you gave me. 

I never say goodbye to Sammatz, just see you soon!

Take care, 

Things we’ve found on the web & 
somskat – the somewhat different Stuttgart fashion label. They are sustainable, have beautiful cuts and above all are only produced what is in demand – slow fashion simply. We think that’s worth supporting! Here you get to their website.

Hannahs alternative music recommendations, that will surprise you! A violinist who not only plays superbly, but above all carries you along: ARA Malikian. Whether with the world renowned Pulp Fiction Theme Song or with the romantic Pisando Flores. Or the unique Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain: with the hellishly fast Devil’s Gallop or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – simply astonishing!

The Australian David Stewart shared the collected recordings of his career as a wildlife sound recordist with the world and it became an exceptional statement for the urgency of saving the 53 most endangered bird-species in Australia. You can find the Songs of Disappearance on here. The album even landed in the top 5 of Australian album charts. Check it out, and support the project!
LONG LIVE THE TULIP SEA – Perfect timing! Just before Christmas we made it! After five weeks and many cold fingers, all the early bloomers are in the ground! Now it’s wait and see and drink punch until the beauties make their way through the earth and snow!
CHRISTMAS BAKING – Our pastry chefs love the sweet smell in their noses and look forward to the Christmas season every year. And we can’t wait to feast on the tasty works of art!
Pssst – the treats are also available in the farm store!

Job of the Month: Accounting

Are you a numbers fanatic with a community drive? Then you’ve come to the right place! We are still looking for support for our accounting department – not an easy job with the many different areas of work that we have built up here at Michaelshof. Therefore, you should definitely have work experience in the field of finance. Apply and get to know a community from a completely different side.
For our team we are looking for dynamic and proacitve people who like to take responsibility and have a zest for life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We’re searching for experts in the following areas:
        For screen lovers: 
  • Accounting
  • Photo editing / Archive

  • Agriculture
  • Gardening
  • Construction
  • Electricity
  • Janitorial Service    

  • Management Markte Trailor
  • Management Café
  • Farm Shop

        Humans & Healing
  • Doctor
  • Pharmacy
  • Pedagogy/Home education          

Lacking the qualifications, but still interested?
Just give it a try!
Send your application with a picture to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll contact you!
Follow us on Social Media:
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad et Joyeux Noël!
The Michaelshof team wishes you reflective holidays, gifts that come from the heart and a happy new year!


Here is another touching Christmas story for young and old. Perhaps to read aloud at a cozy get-together around the Christmas tree?

The Christmas Rose 
by Selma Lagerlöf

Once upon a time there was a robber family who had to live in the forest. The robber mother went to the village every day with her children to beg. One day they came to a monastery with a door open in its backyard. They went inside and came upon the beautiful flowering monastery garden. The mother looked very carefully at all the flower beds. When someone discovered them, the family was to be chased away. But then an abbot came and talked to them. The mother loved the monastery garden and said ‹Abbot John, there is an even more beautiful garden. Come to us on Christmas night, and the forest will be transformed into the most beautiful garden between heaven and earth.› Abbot John answered her, ‹If that is true, I will give your husband a charter from the bishop and you can live in the village again.›
So summer and autumn passed, winter came. At Christmas, the bishop sent Abbot John to the robber family and asked them for proof of the Christmas garden. The abbot and with him a gardener’s assistant followed one of the robber children into the forest. They went through Christmas villages and over ups and downs until they reached the forest. After they had rested in the robbers’ den, they suddenly heard a ringing. The robber mother said, ‘Now is the time!’ Glorious waves of light streaked through the trees. First the snow melted around the trees and wonderful snowdrops and crocuses in white and purple appeared. Then the trees began to green and the birds to sing. Rabbits were making their hooks. The trees sprouted and the flowers smelled wonderful. A light summer breeze passed through the forest.
Observers marveled at buzzing bees and a happy bear family. And while the robber children played with the bear children, tears welled up in Abbot John’s eyes. He said to himself, ‹As the sky shows itself to me here, it has never shown itself to me before, it shines like a being of light so bright and clear!›
At the same moment the gardener’s assistant cried out in fear: ‹Satan, get away from me!› – He could not understand what was going on and thought the miracle was a trap. With one blow everything was over, it became dark. Abbot John sank to the ground with a shock. When he died, he held in his hand only a tuber. He was buried and the village and the robber family mourned him.

The bishop planted the abbot’s bulb in the monastery garden. Spring, summer and autumn passed and nothing happened. The bishop was already sad about it. Then winter came and in the winter Christmas season the most beautiful flowers finally appeared, it was like a new miracle. The bishop was delighted, kept his word and gave the promised license to the robber family.
From now on, they lived in the village again. The gardener’s assistant, however, moved to the forest – so sad and full of remorse was he that he had not believed in the miracle. The Christmas forest, however, never returned.

We love this story by Selma Lagerlöf from 1908 at Christmas. It shows us that miracles do exist – the Christmas forest and the Christmas rose. Look out for the first blossoms of winter’s most beautiful gift from nature!
Copyright © 2021 Michaelshof, All rights reserved

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Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

©2024 Michaelshof e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung