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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                   # 24 / JULY 2022
Summer Party at Michaelshof 
A pretty cool day came to an end …
Michaelshof threw a summer party and it turned out to be a really colourful, cheerful, and well-attended event. In the bright sunshine Oskar (a huge young Newfoundland) splashed around in the pool, along with many happy children (to Oskar’s credit, it was actually his pool). There was, of course, music from the village combo, who are getting more and more proficient at their job. “Pulp Fiction soundtrack,” grinned those in the know as they played the traditional Greek folk song ‘Miserlou’. The food came from the farm, from burgers and bratwurst to cakes, and was eagerly feasted on. Food is interesting, we noticed that again when tasting cheese and meat. Authentic, healthy, and ethical food is something rare that is really appreciated.
Fips from Lüneburg provided us with outdoor games, which kept both young and old occupied all day. There was Lawn skiing – delightfully daft – Crossbow duck shooting, and the can-throwing booth, which rattled on until the evening. One little Sammatzian is said to have sunk €15 of savings here, but the ice cream vouchers he won should last him a couple of days. And of course, there was folk dancing at the end!
The Michaelshof festivals have continued to develop this year. We worry about the cost and are relieved when the books are more or less at the end, but the special mix of action and relaxation, beauty and relaxed farm life creates something between the community and the region that we are happy to continue to cultivate – a way of bringing people closer to nature, sustainability, and social issues in a fun way. So at the end of the long hot day, we were all a bit high from the stress, but are happy about another successful event.

We will continue on 9 Oktober with the Sammatz Apple Day!
Did someone say guest room?
Spend the night at Michaelshof … loading …
This year we’ve again had many guests, well-visited gardens and a thriving café. How often have we heard the question: ‘It’s great here! Is it possible to stay overnight?’ but have had to answer in the negative. But now the time has finally come! The Michaelshof guest house will open its doors on 15 August!

In the middle of the Sammatz gardens in the spacious House of Nature we will soon be renting out 6 beautiful rooms with bathroom as well as a communal kitchen. We would welcome guests simply coming to stay, along with those participating in one of our many activities, such as seminars, guided tours, or cheese tasting sessions.
The special thing: You spend the night in an enchanting natural setting. In the morning you have breakfast in the café, a few steps away you can relax at the forest lake, unwind on the Greek terrace or enjoy the splendour of the flowers on the perennial plateau. Also right next door: the Arche-Hof with beautiful animals and a fresh farm feeling – and if you feel like it, you can cook for yourself in the evening with products from the farm!
Reservations now by e-mail: uebernachten@sammatz.de
and from 5 August on our website!


News from the building site
We hammer it home!
As you know, we are construction fans, so here’s news from the site again.

The latest house in the Flachsenberg village is ready, and the tenants are already inside. And just between us – they got the kitchen with the best view in Sammatz! A wonderful view of donkeys, horses and the Sammatz valley… and every now and then a pair of legs, carrying the facade boards. Outside, our façade team is still working on the details of the exterior walls.
The project was not always easy but the team of Sandro, Els, Sara, Michael, Janosch and many evening helpers from the village got it done. Now Tom, Mara and the team are working on the facade so that the scaffolding will soon disappear.
And next door, house 8 is already being painted – so that the new neighbours can move in soon!

Meanwhile, the most epic period in the Sammatz volunteering era has come to an end. Volunteers from the early days will remember the legendary Mainhouse kitchen, where the only free seat was someone’s lap, every broom cupboard became a bedroom, and evening after evening was spent laughing, crying and singing. The Blue House didn’t exist at that long time, and so the Mainhouse kitchen was meeting point No.1. Although the bathrooms felt old from the beginning and the rooms were super bright, those days were simply unforgettable !
After this little homage, let’s move on to the next project. Where the Mainhouse WG used to be, we are now renovating EVERYTHING, tearing out walls and bathrooms, floors and kitchen to make way for an urgently needed work hub with study space, conference rooms and library. The team around Janosch, Jorge and many lovely international full-power people like Öyku, Kübra, Jacqueline, Asli, Sece, Alpay and Co. are highly motivated!
And the fields, Sven?
Michaelshof cultivates about 150 hectares of pasture and arable land. This year we are growing all the grain for our bread ourselves, as well as feed for the animals, organic & Demeter standard of course. Responsible for everything that happens on the field is Sven Harder, who has been helping us for a long time and has been a permanent member since January.
At 8 o’clock in the morning, a quick interview in between, because Sven has of course been on the tractor since 6 o’clock
NL: How is the agricultural year going so far?
SH: Actually good for the drought so far. We’ve had above-average yields, some even almost very good. So far I am satisfied. And, yes – it must rain again sometime.
NL: How is the harvest going at the moment, what has already been harvested, and what is still in the field?
SH: We’ve harvested winter barley, triticale and winter wheat. Some rye is already done, the bakery grain is done. What’s left now is 15 hectares of wheat in conversion, 6 hectares of rye, and that’s about it. Then we have a good 20 hectares of straw that has to be pressed
away, plus everything else that will be added now.
NL: What does in-conversion wheat mean?
SH: It used to be farmed using conventional farming practices, but we are currently converting the land to Demeter standards. In the first year it is in-conversion, in the second year it is EU organic, then it becomes organic and after four harvest years it is Demeter.
NL: That means that our total agricultural area is still growing?
SH: Yes, we are already cultivating what we got in the spring. And growth is always, here an area, there an area. [laughs]
Threshing oats and baling straw on Krähenberg.
“Always tractors, isn’t that boring?” You just don’t know the feeling of tilling the fields early in the morning. The best!
NL: Our fields are quite widely scattered, isn’t that tedious with driving?
SH: Definitely, it’s very exhausting. We also have a lot of land on the other side of the Elbe in the east and right now the ferry is not running because the water levels are so low. That makes the situation dicey, I’d say. At the moment we are driving over the bridge at Dömitz to Banratz for one and a half hours by tractor – a real tour. That’s more than 60 km, which is a lot, especially with the current fuel costs. To do anything, you have to be on the road for an hour and a half.
NL: You work most with Jürgen, you have to manage that with your own father.
SH: Yes, you have to manage it [laughs], but it works. We get along well, the way things are going. I can rely on him to do everything the way I want it, I have to say that too. [laughs]
NL: Because that’s not always the case otherwise?
SH: Exactly. Because the others sometimes have a mind of their own.
NL: What is the biggest advantage of working at Michaelshof
SH: I really like the fact that I have my own space. I am allowed to plan the cultivation: it is then approved, and I take care of the rest. There is no one who says you have to go out with the harrow today. I can decide freely, according to my feeling and the way I have learned.
That is the big difference. If you are employed on a farm where there is still a foreman, then you get a list of tasks in the morning, you work through them, and then you are gone again at 4:30 pm. And here I see all the work that has to be done in the field and I always try to work it off according to priority. What we get done, we get done, I mean, the day only has 24 hours, unfortunately! But that’s how we manage quite well. And I like that.
NL: Thank you very much – have a good working day
Interested in more information about farming at Michaelshof? Write to us! If you want to help to build up the farm further, you can do so for example with a  sponsorship in the field of agriculture!

Hannah’s Garden tip of the month
Our section for all garden fans who just can’t get enough of the gardens at Michaelshof (we’re among them, of course!).
A August is the perennial month, so let’s go to the perennial plateau and marvel at what we see. In the shade of the old beech trees the long S-shaped beds nestle beautifully into the t terrain and show you the impressive variety of colours, sizes and shapes. Right now the main colour is bright yellow, but the many grasses and colourful flowers of all kinds are also very characteristic.
Somewhat hidden, but really powerful, is the bed with phlox and Madame Lucifer in the rose garden. The uniquely upbeat combination of pink and red fascinates the observer. Above all, Madame Lucifer with its incredibly exciting shape casts a spell – it earns its name! Definitely worth a visit – just pass the ‘Keep off the grass’ sign by the walnut tree and you’re there.
You wouldn’t believe it, but it’s come this far: the dahlia garden is now blooming in abundance. The wonders of colour and shape form a great contrast to the ‘wild’ arena below, where a burgeoning mix of wildflowers is currently dominating the scene.

Good things from Sammatz
Regenerating care oil: birch
Sun, sand and sea salt put a strain on the skin. Our care oil birch brings protection and regeneration with extracts from young birch leaves in finest organic almond and jojoba oil. Hey, did someone say ‘massage’?
Cheese tasting package
Can’t make up your mind about Michaelshof’s huge selection of cheeses? We often feel the same way! How about the cheese tasting pack with six different varieties at 100g for 14,34€? Feast your eyes on our assortment and find your favourite!

Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables!
Who’s ready for a concentrated vitamin load of vegetables? The harvest is in full swing – carrots, celery, lettuce, chard and many garden herbs. And for the first time this season: really tasty aubergines straight from the Sammatz vegetable field!

First harvest: the new vegetable field in the morning light
Events in August
Saturday, 13/8  10 am – 4 pm
Wild bee excursion

Our biologist Sara will take you to the homes, habitats and food plants of the hidden animals around Michaelshof. Bees are not only found at the beekeeper’s – their wild sisters also play an important role. And if we want to save them, we should know about them!
Saturday, 30/8  8 pm
– beetles
Bombardier beetle, burying beetle or stag beetle – nature is full of extraordinary specimens of this largest order in the insect kingdom. Learn about exciting local beetle species and their unique ways of life and behaviour in this lecture with accompanying slides!
Michaelshof – at a glance!

Opening hours:

Mon-Sun                      9 am – 7 pm

Mon-Sat                        8 am – 6 pm
Sun & bank holidays    9:30 am – 6 pm

Farm shop:
Mon-Fri                        10 – 12:30 am
                                      2 – 7 pm
Sat, Sun &                    10 am – 7 pm
Bank holidays

Weekly market, Lüneburg:
Wedd & Sat                   7 am – 1 pm

Michaelshof Sammatz
Sun                                12 am – 6 pm
Love, Layla and so on

We are not a community of free love, things are too civilised for that. What we do try to do, however, is to take love seriously. This includes connecting eroticism and sexuality with the soul instead of letting them go astray. Today, for many reasons – not least because of all the violence and violent fantasies we encounter every day – we are virtually predestined for this.
Forgetting the soul during sex tends to happen more often to men – not for nothing have there always been more call girls than call boys. Overall, women find it a little easier to create a soul space – which is why they are more often in charge at Michaelshof.
And especially in intimate encounters, this soul space is urgently needed, where two people can meet, openly and with as much honesty as possible.
What is sexuality anyway? Why is one person more S&M and the other just wants to cuddle? Why are some men even quite happy when a dominatrix only caresses them instead of whipping them as planned? Sexuality hides issues that go quite deep into the personality, but which are quite real! When we look at them, we learn a lot about ourselves and other people, about humanity, about childhood imprints and perhaps fate. Conversely, if we look away, a lot can go wrong, from the relationship itself to those hideously uptight work meetings we’ve all been in.

What today’s society makes of the most beautiful secondary matter in the world (the most beautiful primary matter is, after all, being active) is usually as crude as it gets. Instead of presenting nudity, tenderness and sex as something beautiful, scenes are cut and female nipples are banned from television. Germany has become a total prude! No naked breasts, but masses of violent fantasies – thrillers with ever more brutal murders, violence still and more, ball games in the children’s room, “headshot” in the playground. Is that okay?
The party song “Layla” (rhymes in German neatly with “horny”), for example, is on the minds of half the nation right now. Why is there a need to ban this song, which deals with sexuality in a humorous, ironic but quite endearing way, while at the same time staging “Tatort”, a famous crime series, as a family ritual every Sunday? Which is worse? Is it really an achievement to deal with sexuality in this ‘politically correct’ way or simply obdurate? What does it say about morality when we are willing to watch killing on TV but not to endure tenderne
ss between two adult human beings?
We love Layla and don’t want to miss being able to talk about sex in a light-hearted way instead of being uptight and moral. In this sense: the forbidden has its charm! As it says so aptly on Youtube about the Layla ban: ‘The greatest thing about it is the free publicity coup provoked by the moralisers!
About fear and decisions

I can remember a time that was very different here. I think of 2018, when I lived here together with the first volunteers, two years after Sammatz opened its doors to people from all over the world. It was an incredibly cool time, we had ‘the summer of our lives’, pitched in, made lots of music and lived in the aforementioned ‘Mainhouse’. What fascinated me back then were the ‘long-timers’ – volunteers who had extended their stay from two weeks to two months and some even to two years. These were people you respected and always asked when it came to gossip or any sammatz questions. But what I also remember is that many of them were a bit unsure. – ‘What am I actually doing here? Have I failed if I stay here?’ Not infrequently I heard the question whether one would ‘make the jump to some established job someday’. I think that in the end this fear only arose from the fact that Sammatz is something completely new, something that no one had encountered before on their path.
Excitingly, this has changed so much that I could scream with joy when I think about it. I myself am a so-called longtimer, although the word no longer even exists. I am a community member, without fear. My “career” takes place at Michaelshof, and wow, I can tell you a lot about leadership by now!
Yes, leadership, the thing that everyone talks big about and many know too little about, mostly out of fear of being personal and honest. Today, I myself am quite proud to be an active part of a community that enables so many people to be a bit more themselves. I am proud to have learned so many things here, including very practical ones. And I don’t often think about what it would be like to live a different life, let alone be haunted by the thought of it. I am not alone, we are a whole new generation at Michaelshof and we love it!
When I tell people today how long I have been here, they sometimes say: ‘Oh wow, 3 years already? I want to be here that long too, so cool!’
For me, the story is exciting because it shows how much we don’t do every day, just because of fear, embarrassment or moral reasons. When someone shows us, it’s much easier. When someone talks about their fears in a relaxed way, we become more relaxed ourselves, and when someone honestly says that they are pissed off, we breathe a sigh of relief with authenticity. Think about all the things you don’t do out of fear and try to be a bit braver! Maybe the world could use it. In any case, Michaelshof encourages you to take risks. I am already looking forward to seeing you succeed
o Paulo (in Sammatz)
Michaelshof is not a place for weak people. It’s a beautiful and magical place, but it involves a lot of work. Imagine leaving your hectic city life and going to a small hamlet in rural Germany, surrounded by nature and with few people around, can you imagine that? Pretty crazy, right?
We did this crazy thing, but it was totally planned (like everything in our lives)! We had been talking to Antonia since 2021 to make sure that volunteering at Michaelshof would work out. Then in July 2022 (finally without Covid-19) we could start the adventure of 4 long weeks away from city life.
I must confess that the first week was shocking. I thought about giving up on the second day. From cleaning to building, the first time was a time of getting to know each other – work and life. It was a time of doing things we thought we would never do in our lives, like working with the animals.
Then in the second week we accepted the new routine. We chose what we wanted to do here and identified with our task. This was difficult because all the tasks were quite different from what we did in Brazil. Eventually, Matheus
arrived at the construction site and I started helping with the organisation in the shop, in addition to my new love of cleaning.
We also celebrated Bea’s first birthday at Michaelshof, far away from home. That was a very special moment that I will never forget
In the third week we were undecided whether to leave or stay a little longer. The people we worked with were wonderful. We had good conversations, lots of laughs and a lot of work sometimes in 40°C heat, sometimes in cold and rain (you have to be prepared for crazy weather in Germany). We had experiences we will never forget!
The last week is a time to remember everything we experienced and now we have to say goodbye soon. This is the most difficult moment.
I am still impressed by the lifestyle at Michaelshof in Sammatz. Healthy, easy living, connected to nature, always helping each other, all having fun together, that is Michaelshof. We would like to thank you for opening your doors so wide and so warmly. We will definitely come again
A big kiss and hugs.
Bea and Matheus

Net finds we
Graffiti is not art? Welcome to the 21st century! MadC makes graffiti art to amaze with fresh colours, names like ‘Intense pink for intense times’ and more free forms than bold letters. Almost as colourful as ‘Little Italy’ at Flachsenberg … 

A not not quite everyday neighbour,
who has been stopping by the café for a long time and helping our ponds. Recently he was with us for an exciting lecture about his work. We like each other!

Don’t forget Reinhard May! Bob Dylan got the Nobel Prize for Literature, many singers are simply the literary figures and admonishers of our time. (Hello Samy!) A piece of the good world.

CRADLE TO CRADLE –  Have you ever heard of Cradle to Cradle? A circular economy with a radical approach! Protection of resources and therefore also of nature, but not without, but with people – that’s smart! Michael Braungart from the University of Leuphana and Monika Griefahn (that’s right, former minister Griefahn) were our guests. It was fun!

AIESEC  8 nations, 31 young people with lots of questions and some motivation! A fortnight ago, the participants of AIESEC, an international student organisation, arrived here in Sammatz and stirred things up. The first days were super exciting, there were a lot of culture shocks at first. But by now we all know each other a bit, our muscles are getting used to the building and country life and we are looking forward to the next 4 weeks!

WOLF FENCE INSTALLED We waited a long time, now it’s finally here. Wolves or not, the fence helps us to keep our animals safe, as they have to be. Malte B., Daniel, Kowa and Anton expertly took care of the installation.

KIDS ON THE MOVE You know this from the children’s rooms: At some point there was simply not enough room in the hutch, now the little rascals are finally allowed to move outside, and they’ve been absolutely delighted!
For our team, we are looking for committed and dynamic people who like to take on responsibility and enjoy country life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are looking for skilled workers or interns in the field of:

  • Bookkeeping

  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture / Gardening
  • Construction worker
  • Hausmeisterei
  • Topfpflege    

  • Market cart salesperson
  • Café service help
  • Farm shop
  • Bakery
  • Confectionery

        Menschen & Heilung
  • doctor/physician
  • Pharmacist
  • Ecucation/Care giving          
Your qualification is not listed, but you are still interested?
Just give it a try!
Please send your application Bewerbung with photo to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll be in touch!
Training for Denmark – Sammatz finally has access to the sea! The Sammatz port is on the Elbe beach, which we can easily reach on foot through the forest in half an hour. Practically the whole Peronnik children’s home will soon be setting off on their summer holiday to the Danish Baltic Sea, and we are already practising building sandcastles
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Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Das Café hat bis Mitte März geschlossen.
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

©2025 Michaelshof e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung