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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                   # 26 / SEPTEMBER 2022
To the Sammatz Apple Day on 9 October 2022

Let’s face it – what would autumn be without apples? Our region is old apple country; many trees belong to valuable historical varieties with their own unique flavour, that can’t be found in the supermarket. Maybe one of them is in your garden?
At the beginning of October we celebrate the 4th Annual Apple Day at Michaelshof. The well-known pomologist Hermann Stolberg from Neu Darchau will be there again, bringing along about 100 regional apple varieties for us to look at. Our apple culture was once so rich! Anyone who brings five apples from a tree can ask him to determine the variety – it is not uncommon to find a rarity.

Let’s celebrate the apple tree and its marvelous fruit!  Join us on –

Sunday,  9 October 2022 from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

As always, you can expect a rich and colourful programme that caters to young and old. There’ll be a juice press for the kids, at Markus Meyer’s you can stock up on beautiful little trees, and next door we’ll be selling delicious Demeter vegetables at our harvest stall. Culinary delights will be provided by our food truck with hearty dishes as well as coffee and cake, all organic and all delicious, of course. And there will be live music with the renowned Sammatzer Combo.

So come along, leave the rain at home and enjoy the autumn with us!

Sammatz as a place of learning
Pupils at the Michaelshof
A Michaelshof summer without pupils? Unthinkable! But how does it work anyway? Claudia and Johanna have been looking after the “Praktis” (Interns) for five years. We ask …
Numbers: Between March and October 2022, a total of 440 students from over 60 schools – Waldorf, special needs and comprehensive schools – will be with us, 250 of them in classes and 190 as individual interns. Most of them do a two- to four-week internship in agriculture, which in Waldorf schools takes place in the 9th grade – that is, young people between 14 and 16, plus “challenge” internships and always some older social interns.
Special internship feeling? There definitely is! First there ‘s the anxiety about whether everything is perfectly prepared (volunteers can take more …), then there’s this special joy when the “new ones” arrive. With school classes, the contact is mainly through the teachers, with whom we meet regularly, sometimes daily. With the individual praktis, we play more of a ‘parental’ role. After all, we are responsible for them, while they primarily enjoy being independent and as unsupervised as possible .
Starting the day – harvesting medicinal plants in the morning sun
And the work? According to two Praktis named Ziza & Amalia: ” It’s great, fun, the place has a great atmosphere!” And weeding? “It’s tough, but you can have a good chat and meet new people!” – Spontaneous quote from their team leader: “Praktis? Top, really cool, super!” Well then … seems to be working! 🤗
Impact: Community feeling for teenagers – is that possible? The students have a daily introduction to a topic, from vegetables and farm animals to community and sustainability. More than you would think, they also learn a lot about our community “on the side”, for example from the lifestyle of the place.
Quite a few of them show their appreciation by coming back – during the school holidays or after school. We are happy to see them all!
“Unfortunately, you can’t tell anybody your best memories!”
To each his own little cup – 38 Denmark memories on a Peronnik window sill
The buses crammed full, the carers torn between running a mile and getting into that holiday mood,  the children seeming to know the plans better than the adults… yes, it’s Denmark time again – the annual holiday for our honourable children’s and youth welfare institution Peronnik. This time we’re off to the beautiful Hulemosegård estate on the Danish island of Zealand.
You have to be a bit crazy to go on holiday for a fortnight with thirty-eight people like us – Peronnik and village children, carers, interns – it’s funny how it always works out well in the end …
“I think it’s wonderful that so many different children and young people can spend their holidays together. New friendships are made and many new experiences gained. You also get to know each other differently among the carers and the best thing is that you are never alone and can always support each other!” (Alice, Peronnik co-founder and Denmark veteran)
“The best thing was the big waves at the end of the holidays!” (Mia, first time participant)
“I’m not telling you anything it’s better you don’t know!” (Peer, who has also been there a few times, on some of his best holiday memories).

Foodtruck on Tour in Dannenberg!
Michaelshof on tour in the district
When we talk about the Michaelshof, we usually take you to Sammatz – this is where our heart is, this is where we live and work, this is where we grow and process. But we also love it when we can come to you, like for example, in the last two weekends to Dannenberg.
We travelled to the Long Night of Fine Arts with food and music (OK, it’s only 20 km), and it was tremendous fun. Nico from Brazil entertained with a lot of Jason Mraz and even more empathy on the guitar – positioned next to the fire bowls he offered our food truck visitors queue music at its best. Our combo was also at the start and heated up the atmosphere with good-mood dance music.
The very next weekend was Open Sunday – here, too, the atmosphere was very nice and people enjoyed the Michaelshof organic burgers just as much as they do in Lüneburg or Sammatz. Hats off to Mrs Fallapp from the Elbtalaue joint municipality for organising these events. We consider them a worthwhile example of community engagement and a great way to support local town centres, a resource we don’t want to lose.

Brazilian Pumpkins…
Meet our Brazilian veggie team!
Over the past summer, we’ve built a loving and caring Brazilian veggie team that couldn’t be cooler. Lilly has been with us for a long time, working part-time in the land team, and whenever she can, she’s in the veggies. She has recruited Gabriela from stables and Kamyla from construction, so they can be in the field together early in the morning and in the evening – weeding, harvesting, chatting in Portuguese. The light is beautiful and the air is fresh.
Why vegetables? ‘It just feels great to plant seeds and harvest organic vegetables for the community and our customers,’ they say. ‘And it’s great to work with Daniel!’ Most recently there’s been some Swedish help provided by Zebulon, with Sara, Els and others helping out now and then. It’s always great fun! Thank you ladies!!!
Gaby, Lilly and Kamyla (above), die Early Bird harvesters
Vegetable field update: At the moment we are picking delicious peppers, the last tomatoes and carrots, chard, pumpkins of all kinds – Hokkaido, Pattisson, Red Centner, Rondini – from the vegetable field, plus tasty herbs like parsley, chives, thyme, sage and lovage. In terms of winter vegetables, there’s endive, beetroot, potatoes, white cabbage, pointed cabbage and savoy cabbage. Soon sweet potatoes, chicory, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage will be in the wheelbarrow, and we will also be busy harvesting raspberries and purple lucy.
As always, you can get all this healthy colourful produce in the farm shop at Michaelshof or on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the market in Lüneburg.
Purple luzie (a beautiful pepperoni variety), chard and sunny prospects!

Good things from Sammatz
Rock’n’Roll in a glass!
The Sammatz sun fruits are all eaten up – sigh! But you don’t have to wait for next year. Get the delicious Michaelshof tomato soup, cooked fresh from the vine, it has the  taste of summer still in it. The 500 ml jar is available in the farm shop and at the food truck! The 500 ml jar is available in the farm shop and at the food truck !
Carrot cheese made from Sammatz cow’s milk
This carrot cheese, matured for about 3 months, has a creamy soft dough and a fine aroma. The rind is red-greased and ready to eat. The children love it – and at night Dad’s snack on it from the fridge! Available in the farm shop, at the food truck and in the Michaelshof online shop!
Events in October
Sunday, 09.10., 11-18 h
Apple Day
Our region is an ‘apple area’. Maybe there is a rare variety of apple tree in your garden? Bring 5 apples with you and have them expertly identified! There will be a colourful apple festival around the ‘Haus der Natur’ with a juice bar for experimenting, games and food.
Saturday, 22.10., 10-17 h
Our soils – the basis for everything
‘Soil’ is a very fine thing – all life on the planet depends on an average of just 20 cm of humus – and building up just 5 cm of humus can take centuries!  A day for the secret life of the earth, for methods of soil building and soil quality determination.
Michaelshof up-to-date – all opening hours at a glance!

Ark Farm:
Mon-Sun 9.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.
Mon-Fri 08.00 – 12.00 hrs.
14.00 – 18.00 h
Sat 08.00 – 18.00
Sun & holidays 09.30 – 18.00 hrs
– The Café am Michaelshof goes on winter break on 10 October. –

Farm shop:
Mon-Fri 10.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
14.00 – 19.00 h
Sat, Sun & public holidays 10.00 – 19.00 hrs.
The WAGEN in Lüneburg:
Wed & Sat 07.00 – 13.00 hrs
Anyone can be brave!
On 29 September we celebrated Michaelmas – to commemorate Archangel Michael’s defeat of the dragon. How did he do it? With strong courage and the decision to keep a corner of the cosmos free for humanity. What we do with it is our own business – the freedom to be brave or not so brave is ours alone …
Van Bo Le-Mentzel says the most important thing that drives him is ‘the desire to create and the need to be involved in society’. I think you can only do that if you go through the world courageously and are not too shy to jump over your own shadow sometimes. That starts in the morning in front of the wardrobe: do I wear what others want to see of me or rather what I feel like wearing? I’m brave when I apply for a job I’ve always wanted, but where the job profile doesn’t quite fit (according to studies, men are more likely to do this ). Just do it!
Or don’t be afraid to fill large empty spaces with dancing colours, like graffiti artist MadC, who brings such radiant light to many a grey sea of houses…. (just google it).
But what is almost harder than being brave on the outside is  taking that step on the inside. How difficult it is to overcome oneself and be honest about one’s feelings, even if one feels ‘naked’ at first. Fighting for love, for example, takes a lot of courage. Or being honest with yourself and putting aside your own ideas about yourself? Instead, let someone else enter your very own space and look at you? Scarier than jumping out of a plane with a parachute – but if it works, the soul learns to fly too! Anyone can be brave, you just have to want to be!
And the beauty of the whole thing is that we do all this not only for ourselves, but also for the cause of contributing to society, to the world, and impregnating it with positive courageous forces. Every right thought nourishes people and the world, with every loving deed the good spirits can continue to work in the world. In this sense: Many greetings and keep your head and heart, hands and feet warm!
We ran into Salvatore and wanted some of his wisdom – but never mind, you know how he is! Sometimes you hardly dare to hold a mic under his nose … Watch out, raw eggs out of the way – crack & splat – too late … But we’re sure to track down one or two more contributions from him. Promise!
Barcelona, Spain
Hello everybody! This is Laura from Barcelona!
It’s only been two months since I left Sammatz and not a day goes by that I don’t think about that place. It’s crazy how many great memories I have from my time there and even crazier how much I’ve grown through Sammatz.
I’m writing this postcard to you from Barcelona, but I’ll only be here for a week because I’ve been travelling a lot since I left Sammatz. Funnily enough, almost all of my destinations have come from reuniting with the friends I made in Sammatz. That’s one of the best things about this place: that we can make so many strong connections that continue to blossom despite the distance and time in between.
I still work as a photographer and designer, which I also did a lot of in Sammatz. At the moment, I am really happy that I can continue to work in the field that is my absolute passion – every day a little bit better and always with a lot of fun.
As I said, I have so many fond memories of my year and a half in Sammatz and I am pretty sure that I will return there soon. Because this community will always have a place in my heart and I can call it home without a doubt.
Love, Laura

Net finds we
Musically, we have a couple of strong women up our sleeves this month. We probably all know and love Adele and Easy on Me, but have you heard Nadine El Roubi with her improv rap about women in the art scene? Pretty cool! Do you know the Laudation für Lady Gagas Song Shallow? for Lady Gaga’s song Shallow? Watch it to the end!
And for the older generation, something something peppy with a bit of a wink – after all: “There you go killing for peace. Don’t you know, you’ll never get peace anymore – just get war.” Wasn’t wrong 40 years ago, still true …

A conversation about new capitalism and steward-ownership with Armin Steuernagel of the foundation Purpose. One can argue for a long time about how far the “big machine” can be transformed – it’s exciting when someone tries it!

Anyway, arguing: here is a thought-provoking interjection by Gabriele Fischer of BrandEins. It can be practised everywhere!


A few impressions of everyday life in the community …

a very proud Janosch on the mainhouse construction site
three very happy users of our new swings
… a small Flachsenberg still life
& a volunteer meeting with a cleaning lecture by Antonia …
Hey you out there! You have a passion for marketing? Then send us a quick application! The job description ranges from social media, SEO optimisation, food marketing and event marketing to building advertising partnerships. Do you want to give your creativity free rein and work in a super exciting place? Then get in touch with us!
For our team we are looking for committed and dynamic people who like to take on responsibility and enjoy country life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are looking for skilled workers or interns in the field of:

  • Accounting
  • Marketing

  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture / gardening
  • Construction
  • Caretaking
  • Pot & green house maintenance   

  • Market cart salesperson
  • Farm shop
  • Bakery
  • Confectionary

        Menschen & Heilung
  • Physician
  • Pharmacy
  • Pedagogy/Education          
Your qualification is not listed, but you are still interested?
interested? Just give it a try!
Please send your application with photo to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll be in touch!
FIND THE ERROR: Idyllic courtyard scene, we think, until we realise there’s one holding up the whole place with its presence – how do we get past the black thing and back into the stable? Oh well, who can blame Oskar? We don’t have any fishing boats, and he’s just cute as a button!
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Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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