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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                   Nr. 35 / JULY 2023

Summer & what it brings!
For us, summer means being outside, walking barefoot to work and barefoot home, being caught by the lawn sprinkler, half indignant, half happy about the cold wet. In summer, we’re still in the garden paradise (a.k.a. weeding) in the evenings and at the construction-after-hour party – and above all, there are an awful lot of young people here. Everything is bustling, you can hear music from the Blue House and cheerful volleyball sessions from the playground. There’s the scent of roses and the chirping of birds drowns out many a phone call.

In short: summer is the season when we live completely outside – at Michaelshof really quite literally, but also everywhere else in the world. In summer we spread out more into the world, meet many more people, have barbecues much more often and are in a way more open. Actually, we imitate nature, because nature is also at its peak in the summer.
In general, all of nature is sprouting and budding in all corners with its countless leaves, blossoms, tendrils and colours – following the sun, which powerfully pulls all life out of the earth with light and warmth.

It’s interesting to think about how much nature is connected with humankind in this sense. For in the time when nature is resting and recharging its batteries, in winter, we too tend to be indoors, we are also more inside, everything is polarised towards concentration, the movement can rather be described as pulling together. In summer, on the other hand, we are much more outside, just like the nature around us. So, we also need more willpower to gather ourselves, to concentrate – don’t we all know that flickering summer feeling of heat and a slight headache? In summer we live much more in the feeling than in the thinking.
At the peak of summer, at the summer solstice, Johanni is traditionally celebrated. It is the festival of reflection, which asks the question: ‘Are we completely absorbed in the experience, or do we manage to actively turn to our innermost being, to our friends and to the divine during this time, even if it requires effort?’
This can be a real task at times, but when we master it, we are rewarded with very special summer thoughts – sunny yet clear.
While we’re on the subject of Johanni and the spread-out essence of summer, of course we don’t want to deprive you of our soothing and healing Johanni-Öl from the Michaelshof production. The great oil from St. John’s wort becomes intensely red when processed and works wonderfully as an oil for pain.

Available in our farm shop!

This is what July looks like in the rose garden!
Our garden tip is – how could it be otherwise – definitely the rose garden! Sometimes we want to go back and see the rose garden for the very first time, with a fresh eye, because the magic it exudes in summer when the roses are in full bloom is unique. Whether in the hidden corners among the rambler roses in the tall trees, past the king and queen, or in the prominent rose circles – the rose garden roses are a sight for gods!
Also beautiful: the hundreds of lilies that shoot so boldly yet delicately skywards, their bright colours refreshing the gardens. (We have a lot of work with stabilising them when their magnificent heads get too heavy, but it’s worth it).

We made it! Selma has the official approval!

Michaelshof is not only home to brilliant gardens, hard-working community members and cheerful volunteers – there is also a small but fine school: the Selma Lagerlöf School in the neighbouring village of Wietzetze, also affectionately known as Selma. At home on a pretty old farm, Selma is a secondary school with a special focus on emotional-social development and its own pedagogical mix of “normal” school, Waldorf and other good ingredients. Right now it’s buzzing here in Wietzetze, because next week there’s a school festival, report cards and – summer holidays!
One could almost forget something particularly beautiful: Selma turned three this spring – and that is an important birthday for young schools. The recognition period, during which the concept and practice, legal and financial aspects are examined, is over, and – hurray – Selma has been a approved and can call herself an official “real” school since a few weeks now!
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this success with ideas, patience, love and good nerves, and most of all to our great students who, together with us, have found the Selma way into school life – between genius and madness.

Michaelshof up-to-date – all opening hours at a glance!

Ark Farm: 
Mo-So                           9.00  – 19.00

Mo-Fr                             8.00 – 18.00
Sa                                   8.00 – 18.00 
So                                   9.30 – 18.00

Mo-So                           10.00 – 19.00 

Der WAGEN in Lüneburg:
Mi & Sa                         07.00 – 13.00


What we really want to introduce to you!

Sammatz Equisetum
Who wants to have great tomatoes & roses in the garden? Just buy the Sammatz Equisetum preparation!
Last month we already told you about our miracle weapon Equisetum, the tincture that, when applied once a week, keeps harmful fungal diseases away from tomatoes, roses & co. Now we have bottled it for you, so that you only have to dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10 and then spray on your favourite plants.
Available now in the farm shop at Michaelshof and at the market in Lüneburg.
Brand new: elderflower syrup
Lovingly harvested by hand, Sibylle, Marcus, Nadja and many hard-working helpers have made this year’s elderflower syrup – delicious!
Vegetable news in July from Gaby and Daniel
Slowly, the vegetable fields are becoming as colourful as the gardens, and our harvest team literally has their hands full! While the last strawberries are being harvested, courgettes, sugar snap peas and the like have reached their peak.
They are accompanied by red and white kohlrabi, carrots, beans, beetroot, lettuce, fennel and all kinds of herbs: from lovage to dill.
So go ahead and try our fresh vegetables – in the farm shop or on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the market!
By the way: our vegetable gardeners are often rewarded with great sunsets and unique evening moods like this one. The satisfaction is twofold!


Did you know…that our cheese is also served in Hamburg?
On Monday we had visitors from Hamburg – the young ‹wolf pack› from the restaurant Wolfs Junge went on a company outing to their partner company, Michaelshof. In their restaurant in Hamburg, they are offering organic food tastily prepared at a medium price and want to show many people how awesome regional, seasonal organic food can be.
They love to do their own preserving and use everything that nature gives us, whether it’s processing whole animals or turning vegetable washes into delicious preserves. Sebastian and his team do all this with a lot of passion and love for food. You could feel that in every corner during our visit and it showed us many things they have in common with us. Last year Wolfs Junge was even awarded the green Michelin star! ‹Country- & Handmade›
If you’re in Hamburg, be sure to stop by Wolfs Junge – you’ll find some of our cheeses and vegetables there!


Events & seminars in July
Sat, 8 July 11-17 
Farm animal festival – our ark animals in summer

Would you like to spend a nice summer weekend on the farm? Come to our farm animal festival in summer and get to know our animals up close! Feeding pigs and petting goats is expressly permitted here under supervision! Our herd of Angler red cattle can be seen up close, especially when we take them out to pasture together or back to the barn. In addition to exciting information and discussions about the Ark Farm and Demeter agriculture, there will be fun and games for the children as well as delicious organic food.
You can expect input and hands-on activities on the following topics:

  • Crop rotation in practice. How organic farming works
  • Animal behaviour. The secret of hierarchy among animals
  • Be there when the cows are driven – a real experience! 


In short: an outdoor event of a special kind!
Free admission, donations welcome

Sat. 15 July 12-15 
Insect walk – dragonflies

Who hasn’t marvelled at their wonderful physique, elegance and beauty? Dragonflies are excellent hunters, if not the most successful in the animal kingdom and hold the insect record for acceleration. Let’s look for ‘blue-green mosaic dragonflies’ or ‘banded damselflies’ and learn more about this fascinating group of animals!
Free admission, donations welcome

Sun, 16 July 15:00
Nature walk – southern plants

Have you ever wanted to learn more about southern plants in northern gardens? Slender, elegant cypresses give shape to a garden, strong laurel plants impress just as much as the flowering oleander or the lemons and oranges with their radiant colours and sweet fragrances. Everything is reminiscent of the south – summer, sun, sunshine!
Free admission, donations welcome

Sa., 22. July 11-17
Nature day – summer

Every season has its magic! Let’s get close to nature and its special features to understand and learn from it! A programme for all senses with walks, interesting facts, hands-on activities and culinary surprises awaits you!
Go out and seek joy in this beautiful summer season! A veritable firework of nature awaits you at this year’s Nature Days: bright red lobelias, radiant yellow rudbeckias and sunflowers, the calm, strong blue of delphiniums – and all accompanied by the beguiling scent of lilies. A bath for the senses and the soul in the abundance of a summer garden!
Free admission, donations welcome

Sa., 22. Juli 17:00
Concierto Internacional – Music & surprises

We invite you to a concert of a different kind – because we don’t yet know who will perform. We will be inspired by the international, creative flair of Michaelshof and its residents! Throughout the year, we have talented musicians on site who pick up their guitars every free minute and jam away. We offer you a colourful mix of classical, pop and folk music, or maybe just nonsense.
Come along to a relaxed concert for everyone!

Free admission, donations welcome

Sat, 29 – Sun, 30 July 11-17
Family Festival

Sammatz is a children’s place, from petting calves to organic ice cream, and today that’s especially true: hello and come on in for two colourful days of children’s family summer festivities at Michaelshof!
The gardens, café and playground are all about fun and games: Skill Olympics, park rally and treasure hunt, outdoor games and paddling pool for the little ones, bubbles and can throwing, entertainment, music and extra summer snacks – organic and delicious!
High summer, holidays and unwinding in a place as child-friendly as the Michaelshof make it even more fun. A good-mood day for all!
Free admission, donations welcome

All Michaelshof events 2023 at a glance
The S-Wort … What are we actually doing with the school?

Three years of school building – and now the routine begins?Not at all!We continue to search – as everyone does – for what school should be today.The only thing that is clear is that it has to be a safe and functioning place and at the same time change and turn all kinds of traditions upside down.For example, what about the seriousness and fun of school? If it is clear to everyone that learning needs a good climate – why does it often not happen? What are student and teacher personalities in a good sense? In the sports club it is cool to practise, to be challenged, to let off steam. So why not at school? Doing something great together as normal people – can that also be school? How do you make it a joint thing that everyone looks forward to – teachers, pupils and those who are otherwise involved?
These are questions that concern us as ‘school people’. I would say that we have plans and are on our way, but we have not yet reached where we want to go!
Children don’t come out of nowhere. They bring something with them into life – puzzles, talents, questions, ideals – and it is precisely this package of individual personalities that will take the world a little further again. After parents, school is the second ‘unpacking station’ for the future, where kids can develop.
And you’re supposed to complain about school misery, is that it? Is there anything more exciting than helping to open the doors to this wisdom for children and young people – especially when we “little ones”, as those who came later, are probably more up to date than we are?
By the way: If you are interested in pedagogy, or even if you are a teacher: get in touch with us! We could use more help, because we want to get something exciting, fulfilling and personal off the ground.We look forward to exchanges and more – and in the autumn we’ll tell you how it went!
Speaking of school…


Hans-Michel is one of Sammatz’s original residents, because he came to Michaelshof with his girlfriend and child shortly after the foundation in 1989. At first he was rather doubtful – ‘what am I going to do in the middle of nowhere? Berlin is the place to be!’ – then quickly very convinced. Since then he has been working on the community and its idea. His activities at Michaelshof are as varied as they are interesting. In the 1990s, the politics enthusiast travelled to the Caucasus with two Sammatz friends, and Hans-Michel also knows an incredible amount about history.
At the beginning of the millennium, he contributed to several books published by Verlag am Michaelshof. In his photo lab days, he discovered his love of photography and perfect image editing, which he still uses today to help Photoshop noobs out of trouble.
His secret weapon is his love for the younger generation, because Hans-Michel can easily keep a bunch of kids busy and usually also calm them down. Whether with exciting stories, painting, joint cooking disasters or tidying-up activities – the Sammatz kids simply love the big Austrian. That’s why he spends a lot of time in Peronnik and also works as a school companion at the Selma Lagerlöf School.
If time permits, the guitar or double bass is quickly picked up and before you know it, Hans-Michel is playing music next to one, two or three of our volunteers – always motivated and working towards the next Open Stage. A versatile and interested contemporary!

Impressions from everyday life in the communtity…
This is what it looks like when our community organises a vegetarian barbecue: super tasty organic food, stick bread, music and lots of fun! Come along next time!
The Newsticker journey goes to the garden, with impressions from the rock garden and the evening atmosphere at the Eichenhof.
Our successful garden paradise troupe asks: ‘Will you be joining us soon?’
Our international construction site team also sends its warmest greetings on the way from House 13 to the Volunteer Café.
The colourful medicinal plant field with wild strawberries and mullein…
…and the pictures of the week from the last two weeks!

100 good reasons…
to donate to Michaelshof!

Did someone say NEW CATEGORY?!
Dear all, as you may already know, in order to remain so wonderfully colourful, cosmopolitan and innovative, Michaelshof relies on private donations in addition to income from our business sectors. To make the decision to donate a little easier for you, from now on we will show you another reason to donate to Michaelshof in every newsletter!

Reason Nr. 1: Donate regionally
We are your social project around the corner! How often do we donate to organisations we simply trust, because going there is often not an option? Often, right? At Michaelshof you can see directly where your money goes and you can visit us at any time.

I’m convinced, I’ll donate!
For our team we are looking for committed and dynamic people who like to take on responsibility and who enjoy country life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are looking for skilled workers or interns in the following areas:
  • Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Accountant
  • Gardener
  • Construction Worker
  • Janitor
Your qualification is not listed, but you are still interested?
interested? Just give it a try!

Please send your application with a photo to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll be in touch!

Some of you may have wondered who is actually behind the Michaelshof newsletter! Who plans it and who actually writes it?
Here is the answer: that’s me, Anna from the Social Team! Together with Hannah, Hans-Michel and Malte I decide on topics, pictures and text. The pictures are often collected from the entire community, simply from where the past month was captured pictorially.

So the newsletter is a community project, just like Michaelshof itself!
Many greetings and see you next time from Anna

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Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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