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Nr. 10 / MAI 2021
                                   Nr. 40 / DECEMBER 2023

Onset of winter in Sammatz…
Lots to do…


In Sammatz, we are currently in the middle of a winter wonderland; the season is shaping up to be a long and cold one. For us, this has meant: ‘Wrap up in flower paradise!’ in the last few days. The hundreds of potted plants that give us a Mediterranean atmosphere from spring to autumn are now being brought safely into their winter quarters.

Last month it was the turn of the citrus plants, now it’s the turn of the palm trees and the many laurel bushes. Daniel and the vegetable team are getting the last of the red and white cabbage from the field and the radishes in the foil tunnels have to make way for the pots. Kale, savoy cabbage and Brussels sprouts are the tough guys in the vegetable section and can withstand the cold so well that they can still stay. The pumpkins get a visit from us every other day, are checked and brought to the kitchen for delicious pumpkin dishes.

Marc takes care of the outside taps and the gardeners check whether everything that needs to be sealed is really tight.

The grazing season for cows, sheep and goats is now over and the animals are making themselves comfortable in our well-bedded open stables.

And in addition to all the winter work, there’s also a hard-working garden team who is still tidying up the last leaves in the snow flurries.

Oh, as stressful as the onset of winter can be for our gardeners, volunteers and, above all, our nerves – it really does have a certain romance about it!

One more push before Christmas time,
then it’s done!


Ladies and gentlemen! We apologise that – as with other social organisations at Christmas time – an appeal for financial support has crept into our newsletter. With our project on Xavin, you can invest your money at a good interest rate & help us realise our heart project at the same time:

Since the beginning of November, we have been raising a total of €300,000 for the completion of a new Peronnik house and the associated outdoor facilities. A lot has already happened since the start of the project!

First of all, many thanks to all of you for your great support!  By the end of November, we had already raised over €200,000, more than 2/3 of the required amount. We are very happy!

It would be great if we could raise the last €100,000 this year via the crowd-investing platform Xavin. Together we can achieve great things!

The Advent season and the upcoming Christmas festivities could be the best occasion for you, your family and friends to do good with money. The sooner the total amount of €300,000 is raised and paid out, the sooner the project can be completed.

The next steps? The construction team is taking care of the completion of the house and stable interior furnishings are being organised. The garden, paths and a large playground will then be ready for the kids to enjoy great outdoor adventures at Easter. Apart from the planting work, which will have to wait until March, all other work can also be completed in winter.

Therefore: we are happy about any Christmas support through your loan, whether big or small! Because our hearts will simply beat faster if we can complete this great project soon. We wish you all a happy and light-filled Advent season.


See you soon

Janet Haacke for Peronnik, Tobias Ungerer for Xavin

Info-Box on Xavin

Project starter: Michaelshof Gem gGmbH
Project: Assisted living group for chilldren in need
Total amount needed: 300.000€
Interest: 4,7%*
     *Bonus interest until 21.12.23: 0,2%
     *Bonus interest until 04.01.23: 0,1%
Amortisation: yearly until 31.12.2028
Minimal investment amount: 100€

Interview with Claudia
Tea, Cosmetics, Healing Plants – why do you love them?

If there’s one building in Sammatz that makes me feel like I’m in a church or a temple, it’s the medicinal plant manufactory in the Eichenhof. I wonder why that is? Perhaps the good spirits of the many plants dried here, certainly the scent that pervades the rooms, the devotion and care with which teas, oils and creams are produced and the healing power that can be felt so strongly here. We owe the existence of this wonderful place to Claudia, who founded it 8 years ago and has been building it up ever since. Time for a few questions.

HM: ‘Hello Claudia, why would someone in their late fifties start a project like this, a medicinal plant manufactory and cosmetics production?


Claudia: ‘Well, we already had a lot of medicinal plants in the field, lavender, rose petals, calendula petals, lots of St John’s wort, which produces a particularly beautiful red oil. I quickly asked myself what to do with it. You have to make something beautiful out of it! I then experimented a lot and finally came up with rhythmised warm extracts with almond oil as the best, but also complex and altogether quite special process.

‘As a layman, I imagine it’s super complicated to make a cosmetic cream.

‘Like everyone else, I started very simply, with a small mixer, and did the simple things first, really tried them out. But I don’t make the cosmetics alone, I work with Bruno, a chemist, and Sara, a biologist. Without this team, we would never have come up with our great products.


‘Are the cosmetics organic?

‘It’s all organic, and the medicinal plants are all from our own fields. But we can’t officially say organic yet because it’s not yet certified. We’ll do that this winter, then we’ll be able to really launch outwards and sell the cosmetics in organic shops, for example.’

‘What are your flagship products?’

‘One is our unscented face cream with organic marula oil from South Africa. It’s wonderfully light and provides the skin with lots of moisture. Then there’s the hand cream, which was our first product, and the rose petal face cream, which people from 20 to 100 years old love, naturally with Sammatzer rose petals. The hand cream is really nourishing, with healing larch turpentine. I originally designed it for gardeners with very stressed hands. More products will follow as they go through the official approval process.’

‘How can people order your creams?’

‘You will soon be able to order them via the new online shop.’


‘And for the ones that don’t want to wait that long?’

‘Just write us an email or come to the farm shop at Michaelshof.

‘Thank you very much for the interview and your great impulse – and good luck!’

Christmas time at Michaelshof
Are you in?

Who is already looking forward to our atmospheric Christmas market? Our special Christmas market will get you into the festive spirit right at Christmas, from 23 to 24 December. You’ll find lots of delicious organic food and good things to give as gifts at various stalls, from Sammatz products to the Peronnik craft stall and beautiful sundries. We’ll also offer various activities for the kids – tombola, candle making, petting animals and much more. The Sammatz Christmas choir and other live music will ensure swinging Christmas feelings!

Christmas Market Opening Hours

Saturday, 23.12.:
Christmas Market         12.00 – 21.00
Café                              11.00 – 18.00 
Christgeburtsspiel        18.00

Sunday, 24.12.:
Christmas Market         11.00  – 15.30
Café                              10.00  – 16.00 
Christgeburtsspiel        16.00


Psssst! Don’t miss the performance of the Oberuferer Christmas play! On Saturday at 6 pm and Sunday at 4 pm, we will be performing an almost 400-year-old rural Christmas play in the House of Nature, which is equally popular with children and adults, with guests from the neighbourhood or from the other side of the world. With its rustic language and heartfelt spirituality, it touches us deeply every year.

How about a holiday in our winter wonderland? The gardens look amazing when they’re covered in snow and the community takes on a whole new vibe when it’s not so hot outside but live takes place more indoors.

Enjoy hot punch in the cosy guesthouse kitchen, visit the gardens and animals and have a really good time!

You are also welcome to celebrate Christmas or New Year’s Eve with us. Just send us an email or give us a call on 05858 970 30.

Click here for our guest rooms!

Construction site at Flachsenberg
An era comes to an end

Since 2019, we have been building 14 residential buildings for our community on the Flachsenberg – one of which is currently being designed as a Peronnik residential group. Where there were previously three holiday cottages, there will soon be living space for many people.

When the first people moved into a brand new development area a short time ago, there was hardly any life at the end of the village hill. Now there is a hive of activity. The Flachsenberg has become a small village within a village and now that almost all the facades have been completed, it only just feels a little bit like living on a building site.

Even the construction team has already fallen into a kind of melancholy mood, because slowly but surely the very our last house is nearing completion! A cellar, a residential building and another Peronnik house are due to be completed in the next few months. Bruno, Sandro, Alex, Janosch, Sara, both Michaels, Els, Kamyla, Emmanuel, Carlo, Micha, Florin and many volunteers on the construction board and pretty motivated. Mareike, Anna and Malte plan in the background and ensure that everything runs smoothly wherever possible! Of course, when things have to be done quickly, half the community is on the doormat as usual!

One thing is already clear: looking back, this will have been a great project that we could only have managed together and will make us very proud. Come and have a look!

Michaelshof up to date – all opening hours at a glance!

Mon.-Sun.                        9.00  – 19.00

Mon.-Fri.                           closed
Sat.                                   9.30 – 18.00 
Sun. & Feiertags               9.30 – 18.00

(we are open at weekends throughout the winter – plan your trip to us!)

Mon.-Sun.                           10.00 – 12.30 
                                            15.00 – 19.00

Der WAGEN in Lüneburg:
Wed. & Sat.                         07.00 – 13.00


Fancy a visit to our café?

Attention! Our café has new winter opening hours! From now on we are only open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays with all kinds of treats for you! As a winter special, we have our much sought-after waffles with warm punch on offer. As always, of course, with our delicious homemade cakes and the savoury menu including feta dishes and the burger menu.

Why don’t you drop by, the café atmosphere in winter is cosy, warm and internationally friendly.

And the Foodtruck in Lüneburg?

No question about it, we’re here for you! Every Wednesday and Saturday we offer you delicious farm produce, cakes and organic fast food! During the Christmas market in Lüneburg, you’ll find Gaby, Jakob and the market cart in Bäckerstraße.

Events & Seminars in December
Sat., 09. December 16.00-21.00 & Sun., 10. December  6.30-12.00
Starry Sky

Nothing planned for the weekend? Then off to the star seminar!
We will orientate ourselves in the sky and learn to observe and understand the course of the stars and planets at different times of the day – using the knowledge of our large mobile star chart, we’ll be pondering outside in the clear Sammatz morning and evening sky. In between there will be lots of information about our cosmic friends.
Free admission, donations welcome

Sa., 16. December  11.00-17.00
Nobody knows. Or maybe yes? Anthroposophy in conversation

Is there a spiritual world that is always there without us knowing about it? Sleep and death point to another existence, but isn’t that beyond universal knowledge?
More than 100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner claimed that there is only one truth in relation to the spiritual, invisible worlds and called it ‘spiritual science’. Was he a fraud or a brilliant storyteller? Or a knower, as there have always been in the past?
It is a pleasure to discuss this topic with you. It encourages us to take a closer look at the world, to reflect, to ask questions. Anthroposophy rethought – exciting, crazy – simply amazing! Let’s go!

Free admission, donations welcome

Sat., 23. December 12.00-21.00 & Sun. 24. December 11.00-15.30 
Sammatzer Christmas Market

To get you in the right mood before Christmas Eve, we invite you to the Christmas market at Michaelshof. It’s less about last-minute Christmas presents and more about the expectant, festive atmosphere that is now emerging. Look forward to an international Christmas choir, great lighting, warm drinks and organic food as well as the old Christmas play, which still speaks so wonderfully unsentimental to the mind.
Free admission, donations welcome

Sat., 30. December 15.00-18.00, Sun. 31. December 10.00-24.00 &
Mon., 01. January 10.00-13.00

Celebrate New Years with us

New Year’s Eve at Michaelshof offers a chance to look back on the past year together – both inwardly and outwardly. What has kept the world busy, what’s next? Where are the bright spots and what should we urgently talk about? Where am I in my life right now? And where is the world?
At our New Year’s Eve party, the community comes together and organises, cooks and rehearses until it’s finally time to ring in New Year’s Eve. Join us as we move from the old year into the new one – with talks, comedy, live music and a large international buffet. We start New Year’s Day with a walk together and a quiet programme to round off the turn of the year.
Experience a well-known celebration in a completely different way, far away from loud banging and alcohol.
Free admission, donations welcome

All Michaelshof-Events 2023 at a glance


Simply trusting as a Christmas present?


After a year of silence: Salvatore is back. The reason: he no longer knows how to get from door to door, from sofa to sofa in his flat. Why? The Christmas presents from all over the world are already piling up to such a height that they almost reach the chimney. What could be the reason for this, he puzzles: do people like me as much as I think they do – or as much as I wish they did? Or do they perhaps hate me so that the parcels only contain smelly egg bombs, roasted morels or something similar? You don’t know how people feel about you. They don’t tell you. In our modern society, where mistrust reigns, what else can you say?

Salvatore, for his part, has therefore decided to do something new: he simply gives the gift of trust. Christmas: perhaps a good occasion for this? A good gift? Salvatore believes that the child Jesus also trusted to enter this world. It may have been a little better back then than it is today, but it was bad enough. He thinks of Herod and his deeds. Sometimes this pictures doesn’t seem so far away from today’s world affairs. But, Salvatore decides, we should counteract that.

After all, what is trust? Setting out to listen to others, letting the world in, learning to love? The alternative: mistrust! Mistrust means putting a barrier between myself and the world, letting everything pass through a filter that is characterised by doubt and scepticism. Of fear? To put it bluntly: mistrust distorts reality! Mistrust keeps me away from the world, the world away from me. That’s an alternative, asks Salvatore?


Why aren’t thinking and perception enough? Why not alertness and common sense? Of course, Salvatore knows that too, it’s not a one hundred per cent guarantee. A breach of trust is inevitable, the closer the friend is to me, the stronger the breach. But is mistrust the right alternative? Perhaps ‘healthy mistrust’, even though that also cuts me off from the world? Mistrust remains mistrust. So do I have to take the full risk? Salvatore thinks about it. Yes, he thinks, the risk will be worth it. After all, every child takes such a risk when it is born on earth. Just like the infant Jesus, who was born into a poor family but ultimately only found refuge in a stable. And was persecuted…

Can’t we learn something from the trust of children? At least until we’ve broken the habit of mistrusting them? Ouch, that hurts, Salvatore feels. When he thinks about it, he feels quite different. Why do we take away the children’s trust in the world? Because we don’t believe in ourselves, don’t work on ourselves? Because we perhaps like to criticise others instead of looking at ourselves? Instead of asking our family, friends, relatives and acquaintances what they really think about us?

Well, says Salvatore, that’s a problem. Giving trust as a Christmas present? When I lost it as a child? Finding it again now, fully consciously?

But then, after pondering for a long time, Salvatore says: the world will only get better this way. And isn’t Advent the best time for that? It may be dark outside now, but I can still form bright, shining thoughts inside.

Salvatore, at any rate, has made the decision. He knows that his quality of life will improve if he doesn’t look suspiciously at the nearest and at the same time the most distant person. Not blindly, but seeing, while maintaining his alert power of judgement. Therefore: what is wrong, stays wrong! Because, as a wise person once said: ‘Love goes through the head’! If it doesn’t – as Salvatore has already seen enough – it’s easy to crash. That can’t be the case.

We don’t have to be at the mercy of the world in the same way as children, who are solely dependent on us as adults to set an example for them with our behaviour. As adults, we can walk through the world wide awake and aware, without letting the next breach of trust, the next small, unpleasant hiss from the other person dissuade us from our new resolution of trust. If we ourselves are convinced that only such trust makes the world a better place, then let’s go for it, says Salvatore, even if it certainly rattles and hurts sometimes. But does it hurt me so much that I want to do without it? That I’d rather continue to walk through the world with the hard barrier of mistrust?


Well, for my part, I’ll definitely give it a try. Salvatore thinks so and will let you know how he gets on. He enjoys igniting a warm light in the dark season. Giving trust on Christmas Eve? Perhaps even for the whole year?


After a long time, Salvatore greets you full of light (and sinks onto his nearest sofa from exertion)…

Did you know…


Born in Berlin, but having come to Michaelshof with her family when she was just 5 years old, Sammatz was and remained Antonia’s home of choice, even after school. Together with a few others, she really made the most of her time when the next generation arrived in Sammatz. Whether it was horticulture, academy work or simply getting to know each other – there was so much to discover back then!

She supported the garden team for a long time with advice and, above all, practical help, and is now THE woman who looks after the international volunteers at Michaelshof. Every year, she supports over 500 young people from the application process to health insurance and the right bus connection from around the globe to Sammatz and welcomes them to our community. The most frequently heard sentence when greeting new volunteers as a mentor: ‘Are you Antonia?’ (No, but she’s just round the corner!).

Antonia is also a passionate planner, which is why she organises the work of all the volunteers and mentors at Michaelshof down to the last half hour every day – in summer that can mean up to 6xA4 sheets full of information!

Antonia also plays an important role in the leisure activities of our community: as a flute player in the Sammatzer Combo, as a folk dance instructor together with Gisela and Caro, or at one of the many small potlucks in the Blue House. Horses and books are two more of Antonia’s passions, which she enjoys spending time with, albeit rarely. Even carriage driving is on the programme from time to time!

Versatile, with a lot of humour, which not everyone gets to see straight away, but which is really ultra funny, and a lot of love for people, she is an important part of the community. Love you!

Open your ears!

As every month, we take you into our musical world and link a few songs from the community: Music tips from…

…Anna: ‘One of my absolute favourite songs: Esperanto by Freundeskreis in the live version! Perfect for winter evenings in the cosy living room.’

…Asli: ‘I can’t get no Satisfaction by Dolly Parton, P!nk & Brandi Carlile is quite a work of art!’

…Anton: ‘My tip: Happiness is a butterfly by Lana del Rey – vulnerable, tender and very beautiful! Motherland on the piano by the French-Georgian Khatia Buniatishvili is also perfect for the time of year.’

… Hans Michel: Will the Circle be Unbroken or an Advent gospel feeling, and for nerds also this und this Dissatisfaction 😉

November afternoon at the Peronnik children’s and youth welfare home – half a dozen restless fellows, and nobody wants to go out in this weather. Painting? “Boring!” Only semi-convinced, at least one child agrees to the suggestion. But a second and a third soon follow, and it’s not long before the whole group is sitting together around the big table. Enveloped in that special cloud of concentration, devotion and emotional alertness that only art can create. I encounter the same atmosphere in the Blue House when the volunteers are creative together. Drawing, painting, making music or dancing are human basics that we have known since our cave days, regardless of where we live. Adults are often too busy for this, because ‘art is an extra, not a must’. Or is it? When a carpenter starts painting at the age of 50, when people working on construction sites incorporate a music session into their evening shift, when their cheeks glow after a long week of dancing after a long week, it doesn’t seem to work without art after all.
After all, art is something where the material – the colours, sounds, bodies – becomes transparent for inner images, for harmonies, for a deeper truth. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if everything could become so transparent, our own lives, human souls, the smallest daily task? Of course, we also forget from time to time how beautiful life is here, and how much more beautiful it is when we work out of the love for what we are doing and are therefore artists in action. But we try – on the farm, when thinking, in meetings, and why not in front of the computer too. We want to bring beauty into life, and beauty needs artists, of course. Josef Beuys already made this clear when he wanted to make the old concept of art “so big that it could encompass every human activity”. Every human being is an artist!

Impressions from everyday community life…
At the beginning of November it was time to get on the potato harvester! Our team Els, Gaby, Michal, Anton, Emmanuel, Daniel, Sven and Oliver it their all for a day and harvested the potatoes for the coming year in the cold November weather. It’s actually quite an effort to spend the whole day looking at the scurrying potatoes and keeping an eye out for stones!
At the animal festival, the horse riding went down particularly well as always…
…a few nature impressions from the ‘Autumn-Winter-Chique’ section…
…including duck speech and Kasimir’s favourite place: the throne in any version – this time on Marlena’s lap…

…Mo is enjoying his first few days at Peronnik and has immediately discovered his love of animals. Every time he has free time, he goes out to the pastures with Magda or Sara and is fascinated by the majestic cows, the funny goats, the cuddly sheep and the cute pigs. Lorenzo also likes to take the little one under his wing…
…& last but not least, a few bright colours from Daniele, Dasha and the last dahlia!

Grund Nr. 6: Xavin – your support makes children’s eyes light up!

Anyone who knows Sammatz a little from everyday life knows how well the kids from Peronnik are doing in our large community. The 42 youngsters here are given the chance to experience an incredibly lively, creative and loving environment in which violence, alcohol and drugs have no place. Peronnik tries to get to know the children as well as possible, encourage their strengths and show understanding for their weaknesses.
Help to make this home a reality for many more children – make their eyes light up!
I’d love to help! More infos: click here!
We are looking for committed and dynamic people for our team who are happy to take on responsibility and enjoy country life. Is a meaningful job more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are looking for specialists or interns in the following areas:
  • Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Accounting
  • Gardening
  • Construction
  • Janitor
  • Bakery
  • Food-Manager
  • Pharmacist
Your qualification is not listed, but you are still
interested? Just give us a try!

Please send your application with a photo to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll be in touch!


A good help against the winter blues: Lots of music! For example from Els and Hans-Michel at the last animal festival! It lifts your spirits and dancing keeps you warm!
For all those who like to defy the winter cold with humour, Aisha’s song about winter  is a perfect fit!

Best wishes and see you next time! Anna  

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Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sa.: 08.00 - 21.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 21.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

©2024 Michaelshof e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung