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# 8 / FEBRUARY 2021

What drives you?
Klara und Domenico – Beanbag-Interview with two activists

Interview at the Blue House – the volunteer hostel at Michaelshof. An in-between appointment, as so often. Domenico, born in Naples, has been everywhere, is an ethical banker, has written books and is currently studying anthropology. Klara is a ‘Sammatzian’ by birth and has always been here – a gardener and, like most of those who feel responsible for ‘the whole’ at Michaelshof, also works in half a dozen other areas – for example, making films for our YouTube channel.

Domenico, how would you describe Klara??

D Definitely a super active person with a lot of curiosity. Maybe does too many things at the same time, like many of you (laughs). And actually sometimes it happens that we think the same thing within one or two minutes. We have a similar way of thinking. I write her a message and I see the same message from her.
K (laughs) That’s already happened!
And Klara – Domenico for you?
K You care about all people, you also look a little deeper into personalities, you are very open-minded, interested in different social lifestyles. I have the impression I can organise things with you and something good always comes out of it.
Domenico, what drives you? You work for an ethical bank in Italy, you do many interesting things there, you have lived in France, you have been to China, you have been here and in Taizé. Is there something like a basic drive why you go to this place and not that, do this job and not another?
READ MORE – the whole interview
Michaelshof up-to-date – at a glance!

Opening Hours:
Arche-Hof: Mon-Sun 8 am – 7 pm

Café am Michaelshof:
Closed until 14 March

Farm-Shop Arche-Hof:
Mon-Fri 9:30-12 am, 3-6:30 pm
Sat 10 am-6:30 pm
Sun & Bank Holidays 10 am-5:30 pm

Der Wagen, Weekly Market, Lüneburg: Wed & Sat 7 am-1 pm

We ask you to comply with the safety regulations in force in Lower Saxony.


You will soon find our 2021 events programme on our Website.
The best job in the world

Educator in an international community in the countryside

There are many children who do not grow up at home. They live ‘in an institution’. Sometimes it seems that they are more than the people who want to take care of them: Educators are often ‘in short supply’.
Why? Isn’t guiding children and young people into life the best job in the world? The job is exciting, meaningful and human – why doesn’t everyone want to be an educator?
Ultimately, as an educator the tool you work with is your own soul. This is exhausting in a very special way and without compensation often leads to burn-out phenomena. The strange thing is that free time alone does not seem to be the solution – because educators have it just like everyone else.

We have discovered something better: an educator’s job is ‘in balance’ when it is complemented by another profession – or even several. Whether gardening or other work in nature; design, building craft, or farm shop … Relaxation lies in switching over, living out other sides of one’s personality. And outside of work, life should ideally be as colourful as the whole wide world. This puts the small cosmos of the home back into perspective.
In a word: a children’s home fits wonderfully into a young, international community in the countryside, as Michaelshof is. At ‘Peronnik’, our children’s and youth welfare institution with currently 34 places, you can be an educator and still be a cook, you can live in an ‘intact village’ and still be far away, because with the many volunteers and co-workers, the whole wide world is really a guest here.

That’s right: this is a job offer! If you are an educator, like to work with children and/or young people or know people like that: take a look at Peronnik and Michaelshof. Maybe this is the kind of ‘employer’ you have always been waiting for!
Interested? Write to us and come and see us:
Peronnik e. V. , Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz. info@peronnik.de
or just call Janet Haacke: +49 5858 970 67
Two months already! Since the end of last year, we have been at the Lüneburg weekly market with the WAGEN.
They won’t tell you how many layers of clothing our team has been wearing in the past few weeks – photos show them looking remarkably chubby.
No question: the two love their WAGEN – even in sub-zero temperatures. Now the sun is shining, the first regular
Now the sun is shining, the first regular customers have been won, and there are plenty of ideas for the future. Among their own products, the fine Demeter cheese and the fresh Demeter wood-fired bread have been particularly popular so far. In the snack bar – incidentally the only one in organic quality on the market – the delicious burgers are in the lead. We especially recommend this to all those who want to try something new:
Now the sun is shining, the first regular customers have been won, and there are plenty of ideas for the future. Among their own products, the fine Demeter cheese and the fresh Demeter wood-fired bread have been particularly popular so far. In the snack bar – incidentally the only one in organic quality on the market – the delicious burgers are in the lead. We especially recommend this to all those who want to try something new:
BREAKFAST at the WAGEN. The practical to-go breakfast box with fresh yoghurt of your choice, delicious fruit and a hearty sandwich. There’s also warm porridge. Very British and sooo yummy!
TEAS, HERBS & SPICES Our aromatic herbal teas are also available in the WAGEN, as well as spices and herbal salts with ingredients from our own fields, organic and Demeter quality, of course. For example, Sammatz chilli powder for the true inner fire while winter is still in charge..

Bio for Gourmets
– own production!

Demeter bread (rye, spelt, wheat, walnut, olive …)
Demeter baked goods
(nut buns, poppy seed rolls, lemon tartelets …)
Demeter cheese (farm cheese, Fenugreek or carrot, cottage cheese, goat cheese …)
Herbal teas of various sorts
Jam, preserves

Delicious & To Go
– the organic snack

Breakfast (breakfast box, muesli to go, sandwiches …)
Burgers (also gyros & vegan burgers)
French fries (also sweet potato
chia fries)
Cold & hot drinks
Dear English-reading people! We received this overflowing spring poem from our venerated friend Salvatore – no man, woman or translation app available could recreate this obscure piece of art in English. So we kindly ask you to accept the seasonal gift the way it was originally conceived!

Salvatores Frühling
Schlecht kaschiert vom Barbier

Aus der Erde
sprießt und sprosst,

mancher Same mit viel Most.
Mancher Same, der will keimen,
Grunel grunel, Erde-Arl,
Meinen meinen.
Und hervor kommt, kleckig-klickig,
Und dein Stein, der muss beiseite,

Salvatore alleine hält es zusammen.

Grün, o grün vor meinem Auge,
steht die Welt, die ich hier meine.
Wie sie nun bald verweht.
Wie sie sich nun
Aus dunkler Erd’ Gefangenschaft
das Grün hervorsprießt
hervorkommt manches Glöckchen
und manches
Pförtchen, manches Röckchen,
manches Schößchen Fall für Fall,
verwirrend sprossend überall,

kommt hervor die Pflanzendecke.
Und ich weiß nicht, was ich soll,
was ich tun kann, euch zu helfen,
O ihr Geister, die ihr sprießet,
die ihr sprosset, die dem Auge bald ergötzet.
Und ich kann es kaum erwarten,
was dann alles zu mir spricht.

Denn es fluten dann die
Blumen, denn es
fluten dann die Pflanzen,
denn es
flutet dann das Grün,
hoch empor zur Bläu’ des Himmels,
zu der Wärme, die
umgibt mich,
die mich hält, die mich erschiebt,
die mich erliebt, die ich selbst
sich verliebt,
sich ergötzt.

Salvatore durchschaut es.
alle lieben sich alleine
und doch keine hat das Eine,
denn das alles
sprießt und sprosst,
and my mind goes fast and lost.
Wie wunderschön ist dies Getriebe,
ich sehe, das Geschiebe,
das ich mag, das ich so

What’s growing there?
Snowdrops in the gardens at Michaelshof
They are back! While it’s still icy winter outside in nature, at the end of January the winter aconites are already perkily poking their little yellow heads out of the ground. They are accompanied by snowdrops, which sway gently in the wind and like to make their way through snow and ice to the sun. They have survived the frost of the last weeks well – now these early messengers of spring are again a special joy in the gardens of Sammatz.
The small winter aconites from the Ranunculaceae family with their yellow cupped flowers and green “collar” form beautiful flower carpets. They prefer a loose, nutrient-rich soil, ideally at the edge of deciduous shrubs.
The delicate snowdrop, which belongs to the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), feels most at home in places under shrubs or on semi-shaded lawns. By the way: snowdrops are poisonous – in all parts of the plant.
Vladi & Viktoria
We have never had that before: Calf twins! The two calves of our dairy cow Veronika were a bit smaller, but very lively. You can meet Vladi, the bull calf, and Viktoria, the cow calf, at our open stalls right next to the farm shop.
It is a tradition that the calves are given names with the same initial letter as their mother. Many calves have it on their ear tag – you can guess what the mother’s name is … our farmers will be happy to tell you if you’re right!
Follow us on social media:

+++ Spring: lambs are already here – now the first kids are arriving. Snow gone, early bloomers here. Thank you, dear sun! +++ Not enough animals at home? The small animal enclosure team sells lovely rabbits. Call and ask for Marisa or David! +++ Applause! The last brick of the new houses at Flachsenberg has been laid. Thank you, dear building team – and on we go with wood! +++ Coming soon on the website: the planned events for 2021! Click through … and then let’s have a look … +++



Working at Michaelshof
For our team we are looking for dynamic and resilient people who like to take on responsibility and have a zest for life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place! (You can just leave the suit at home … )

We are looking for professionals in the fields of:
     House Building, Carpenter, Dry Walling
Differents skills – interested anyway?
Just give it a try!
Please send your application with photo to claudia.brady@sammatz.de – we’ll be in touch!

Caregiver of the month

Tino is only six, a teenager in a donkey’s life. Nevertheless, he easily takes the prize for caretaker of the month. Making one or two Peronnik youths happy every day is not always that easy …
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Mo.-Sa. 08.00 - 18.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 18.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00
Mo.-Sa. 08.00 - 18.00
So. und Feiertags: 09.30 - 18.00
Mo. - Fr.: 10.00 - 19.00
Sa., So. und Feiertags: 10.00 - 19.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Anschrift: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Tel.: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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