Community –
A way of life for the future?
Guys, you’ve probably been reading our newsletter for a while and know by now that we think living in community is pretty awesome! We love each other whilst getting on each other’s nerves, we grow, we grieve, we build, we discuss. We appreciate the beauty, the nature, the friendship, the experience of a spiritual world and have a lot of fun with all this – and besides with a much lower carbon footprint than other forms of living. And now comes the exciting question: Can we all live like this? Are we just an island? Is our style of community life scalable? We don’t know the answer. But we’re immensely pleased to know that it not only works for us, but also similarly in different ways, in different places and with different people.
The commitment to live in a community alone does something to you. You automatically think in terms of compromises, think of the greater whole, or at least have the opportunity to do so every day. I believe that in communities you take the people around you more seriously all by yourself, simply because they are closer to you. You get to know their questions, needs and passions, their highlights and small abysses better.
Humans have always lived in communities. Radical individualism (which in the end often leaves only one’s own family as a circle of friends) is a transitional stage from which, however, we take something irreplaceable with us – independence and a sense of self. But the future belongs to communities that form around ideas of their own free will. This starts on a small scale, when you get something going in your neighbourhood, form a community of interest or otherwise implement an idea that connects you with others.
So is community a concept for the future? Definitely! I wish as many people as possible could get involved in the adventure. We would have more personal conflicts and more love, more understanding and more common denominators, in short: more humanity. For me, community does not necessarily mean living together with 250 people; community is first of all the opposite of isolation. It means letting other people get close to you and showing yourself in enthusiasm and disappointment, in everything that is there. Imagine a political meeting that was full of honesty and appreciation. There would be so much less infighting and so much more productivity.
Speaking of Community…
The summer workload – how it all gets done
Summer is the season of abundance. And like on any real farm, there’s plenty to do! For everything that doesn’t get done during the day, we have our evening activities in heroic teams. They have become a real institution and everyone has their own preferences, from snails to vegetables. Teamwork makes the Michaelshof work!
There is Team Garden – the team responsible for beauty and who fight daily with the weeds from 6 to 9 p.m. – braving the goutweed, freeing the roses and making everything pretty. There should be a visible difference between “natural gardens” and unhindered weed growth after all. Klara, Nadja, Anton or Sophia are always there. According to Nadja and also from own experience, there is hardly anything more beautiful than weeding cooled gardens in the evening at blue hour… and the roses are happy!
Team Schnecke has a similar theme but is more animal focused. Every day from 9 p.m. onwards, the die-hard organic gardening fans are at work, diligently collecting our slippery friends the slugs. Of course, we are of the opinion that slugs are part of nature and of the whole. But anyone who has seen 20 of them on a small, freshly planted shrub that no longer has any leaves knows what it’s all about. Take Caro and Valentin, for example – there are probably no more determined slug collectors than these two.
For those who are more culinary-minded, there’s Team (Fruit &) Vegetables. In the morning when harvesting, in the evening when planting or weeding, Team Vegetables takes care of tomatoes and beetroot, potatoes, melons and everything we want to enjoy at the end of summer. Gaby, Lilly, Daniel, Sara and Co. have the team in firm hands.
And last but not least, the team with the absolute hammer in its hand: Team Construction! In the Flachsenberg development area, the next section of the house is being completed – in the evenings, an uplifting wind sweeps through with people who want to move in and those who simply enjoy working on the construction site. Anna is a motivator – Emmanuel and Janosch are always there anyway and there is almost always someone joining them. At the moment, glazing is being done and bathrooms are being installed …
Sponsorship at Michaelshof
Creating Connections
A few weeks ago, a woman visited the new ‘Market of Opportunities’ and took with her the information booklet about sponsorships at the Michaelshof. In it, we present our work and how one can support it as a sponsor. A decision like this takes time and consideration; it’s not one usually made spontaneously in the market or over a cup of tea…
The woman who took the booklet with her visited us again three weeks later and surprised us with the decision to take over a sponsorship for our plant laboratory – 300 € support for our work. She also told us what moved her: that she almost studied biology because she was so interested in nature. Her life then went on differently, but her love for nature remained. It is expressed in the sponsorship – as help for a project that explores nature with a special eye on the living. She liked that, it had touched a chord in her.
This woman comes to visit often, by the way. We greet each other in a friendly way when we see each other. Maybe she feels different now when she is here: not only as a guest – which we are also very happy about – but more as a part of the project. It is also a little bit ‘her’ Michaelshof. That’s how it is!
Maybe the idea is also something for you in one way or another? If you are interested in our sponsorships, you will find an overview here on our website. Feel free to write to us or call us if you have any questions!
A few thoughts on the world outside right now
Our community does not live outside the world, but in the middle of it. From Corona to the Ukraine war, we are impacted by world events and by everything that contradicts the basic idea of community, such as peaceful coexistence, and willingness to compromise. What we can contribute at the moment is to live together peacefully with many people internationally, as a model project of how it can be done. We are convinced that if people in every country in the world were allowed to decide for themselves, they would not choose war at all. If they could decide freely and uninfluenced by interest groups.
We are convinced that if everyone wages war with themselves, with their flaws, unjustified aggressions, and egoism, that fewer and fewer wars would be waged. However, honestly and carefully examining your life does not fit well with our present culture of happiness – such a struggle is often frustrating. Yet it is precisely the development of real humanity that brings deep happiness. It would be unnecessary to wage war on the outside.
So think for a moment, dear friends: don’t we all find enough in our souls to work on? One thing is guaranteed: The people close to us would be happy if we did.
Garden tip of the month – by Hannah
June is coming to an end and high summer is approaching. What special things do the Sammatz gardens have to offer you right now? A few tips from our garden manager Hannah on where you should definitely stop by when visiting at the moment.
At the Waldsee, Mozart roses dominate the scene – vigorous rose bushes with delicate, unfilled flowers that bathe the terraces and banks in beautiful pink. Mozart roses are real endurance athletes that will flower until late into the autumn.
Even though the rose month is coming to an end, the rose garden still has a lot to offer: not only, but many English roses and their companions like delphinium and lady’s mantle are waiting to be visited. Some shrubs are already in full bloom now, some are coming back. On the rampart behind the mighty palm pots, in the large circles of roses and also in the more hidden corners behind the ‘enter lawn’ sign, a wide variety of roses still tempt you with scents and tones, colours and shapes – an abundance that has much to tell if you want to listen. In any case, it’s worth exploring every corner of the rose garden – you’re sure to discover another colour or a new scent!
If you walk down to the arena behind the old cherry orchard and follow the babbling, you will come to a very special place. A small viewing terrace, protected at the back by ivy and bushes, through which a quite wonderful red waterfall rose is making its way at the moment. Next to it, the agapanthes or decorative lilies are just opening their big blue balls and the old fountain is telling the fairy tale of the Frog Prince – a mixture to dream about. To the front, one looks down into the arena, where the mighty hedge roses are still worth a visit, while the perennials are sprouting vigorously and preparing their great summer appearance. A place to linger!
Sammatzano Grano
The Sammatzano Grano is brand new in our range of cheeses and yet already has a few years under its belt. This golden treasure matures in our cheese cellar for between 1.5 and 2 years. Strong, crystalline and crumbly like a real Parmesan. It is especially delicious on pasta, or goes super with good wine and olives – just the way you like it!
Cheese tasting package
Can’t make up your mind about Michaelshof’s wide selection of cheeses? We often feel the same way! How about the cheese tasting pack with six different varieties á 100g for 14,34€? Feast your eyes on our assortment and find your favourite!
Fresh Demeter vegetables
Who is ready for a concentrated vitamin load from Michaelshof? We harvest this year’s vegetables and are blown away! Carrots en masse, spring onions, celery, lettuce, chard, herbs and even the sweet fruits like strawberries are available in the farm shop, at the market stall and at many regional sales points.
By the way: you can book our market cart!
It’s summer and the barbecue and outdoor season is officially open. You’ve planned a party and can’t be bothered to cook? Then ask for our market cart at Michaelshof! We bring super tasty organic Angler beef burgers, self-made fries and much more to your home. Just contact us!
Saturday, 2 July 8pm
Schöne Töne am Michaelshof
It’s outdoor time, just right for some relaxed music on a beautiful summer evening open air in the Sammatz Gardens. It looks like there will be a colourful mix from classical to folk and more, with music lovers from and around Michaelshof! Let us surprise you!
About the summer in northern Germany
I come from the south, a summer child through and through. As soon as the sun shines in my face, hardly anything can throw me off track (or something like that). The summer months of my childhood lasted for what felt like an eternity, and there was ice cream until I couldn’t eat any more.
Since I’ve been in Sammatz, a lot has changed. The love for the place is great, but there is one small catch: summer in northern Germany. Because you only get half of it here. I painfully remember my first year at Michaelshof, where it was suddenly September and I realised that summer had already passed me by – what a shame. After a hysterical appeal à la ‘It’s really incredibly great here, but couldn’t we move the community to the Black Forest?!’ there was only one solution for me: Work with it, babe!
And so the summer in northern Germany changed my perception. If the feeling of eternal summer doesn’t exist, you just have to value the days that are beautiful to the maximum. Every hot ray of sunshine on my face is received with joy and every day that can be walked barefoot is a good day! Every Nordic summer morning when I come out of the front door and am greeted with rays of sunshine, I loudly resound ‘Hey, it’s summer today!’ – and somehow there’s something about that…
Hello all!
It’s been 5 months since we left Sammatz! It was a completely new and challenging time since then, but we enjoy it very much.
After having some months of travelling, we finally found a place for us, and bought a piece of land in a Croatian ecovillage called Blatuša. The life here is very simple, old-fashioned, the landscape beautiful, houses abandoned, overgrown with threes. A lot of dogs. And a lot of young, international, alternative people.
We already made some friends here, Frida even more.
Lately we got a lot of animals – 4 lambs, 2 rabbits, 25 chicken and a little kitten. Frida enjoys farm life as always, spends most of the day taking care of animals or running around with her friends.
It’s an amazing feeling to finally realize our dreams and work on different projects that inspire us.
We have to say that sometimes we miss our friends from Sammatz, and we hope some of you will come and visit us. We actually met a first acquaintance from Sammatz here in Blatuša, volunteering at our neighbours!
And when we completely settle down here, we might come for a little visit.
Until then we love to read from you!
Hugs to all!
Lana, Henrik & Frida
Things on the web that we ️…
This month we have Rheinhard Mey and Chilly Gonzales for your ears: how about Meine Söhne geb ich nicht or Advantage Points? Attention: be sure to watch the video of Advantage Points, it’s worth it! 🙂
We have always liked canoes. But when the ferry to Banratz is in repair, they save our arses. Marc and Co. cross daily by canoe – just like in the old days – and sometimes even bring power food for the animals. Thank you Albia Kanu for your life-saving canoes!
The Project ‹ Zähne putzen› offers retreat spaces for activists of socio-ecological change in ecovillages, living communities and communes. Great project, check it out!
WEDDING BELLS – On St. John’s Day, the choirs sang for Emmanuel and Sara as they said their yes. Finally another wedding in Sammatz and the whole village was there. Congratulations dear ones!
NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH – In 2005 the first book was published by Verlag am Michaelshof: ‘Der Kreis der Mysterienströmungen’ (The Circle of Mystery Currents), a study by Malte Diekmann on karmic groups and the collaboration of opposing types of people in the anthroposophical movement. The book was well received in the German-speaking world. Now it has been translated into English by Anna Meuss and is now available for purchase as ‘The Circle of Mystery Streams’. All together. All different. All books are available from Verlag am Michaelshof at or by email to
GLOBAL ECOVILLAGE NETWORK (GEN-GERMANY-MEETING) – When many representatives of different ecovillages come together, it is first of all quite simple. You know how things are, you know what you’re going through, you exchange goals and differences and tips and tricks. You empower each other and you are allowed to be critical. You can let yourself fall into each other’s arms, simply because the others have perhaps already reached the same point. And all this because the common goal is there. Thank you GEN-Germany for the wonderful days we were able to spend with you as guests.
BIODIVERSITY MEETS BUTTERFLIES – Sara is overjoyed these days, because with the help of the community she has discovered two new butterfly species in Sammatz – the large Schiller butterfly and the highly endangered Jacob’s weed bear. ‹It’s better than birthday!› We have now identified 39 butterfly species in Sammatz.
- You are at home in accounting
- Structured thinking and an understanding of numbers are a matter of course for you
- You have a commercial education
- You are competent and support us in the areas of financial, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting, in evaluations and other administrative activities.
- You are reliable, a team player and passionate about your job.
- Versatile tasks
- The most beautiful workplace in the world
- Nice, open-minded and motivated colleagues
- A colourful community with high flexibility
- International flair
For our team we are looking for committed and dynamic people who like to take on responsibility and enjoy country life. Is a meaningful activity more important to you than a “9 to 5 job”? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are looking for skilled workers in the fields of:
- Agriculture
- Horticuture / Gardening
- Construction worker
- Caretaker
- Market cart management
- Café service help
- Farm shop
- Bakery
- Confectionery
People & Healing
- Doctor / Physician
- Pharmacy
- Pedagogy / Home Education
Your qualification is not listed, but you are still interested?
interested? Just give it a try!
King Oskar the tenth is enthroned in front of his estate. The splashing makes him a little thirsty *sips some water*. Oskar has a message for you that reads:
‘Summer’s pretty hot but waaheeey it’s fun to chase through the gardens’. So what are you waiting for? Pack your sun hat and off to the forest lake! Woof di woofs, off you go!’
By the way, in case you don’t know, I’m a Newfoundland!