Hello Daria, Hertha, Leo and Timo!

That hasn’t happened yet: last week, four calves were born in our stables within 24 hours! Two girls, two boys – all in good health, incredibly cute and today exactly one week old. Welcome to Sammatz!

The calves belong to the old breed called ‘Angler Rind’, which was native to our region, but is now threatened by extinction. The Arche-Hof farm at Michaelshof Sammatz focuses on keeping old domestic breeds.

In the calf stable, next to the farm shop, the new ‘kindergarten’ can also be visited by guests of any age. 

Opening Hours

Mon.-Sat.: 08.00 - 18.00
Sun. und public holidays: 09.30 - 18.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Mon.-Sat. 08.00 - 18.00:
Sun. und public holidays: 09.30 - 18.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm

Michaelshof Sammatz

Adress: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Adress: Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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