Understanding and discovering butterflies
Part 1

Michaelshof Sammatz Seminar Rückblick Teaser Tagfalter verstehen und erleben Teil 1
agfalter verstehen und erleben Teil 1
Understanding and discovering butterflies
Part 1


»Butterflies Seminar Part 1«, 25.05.2019 in the »House of Nature«


The aim of the excursion was to get to know the different habitats of the butterflies and their caterpillars – ideally also to catch and determine butterflies. However, a 15 ° C temperature, wind and a changeable cloudy sky did not provide good conditions to track them down. Nevertheless, we went on our way and fortunately were not disappointed, because some butterflies flew despite bad weather or startled as we walked through the fields and meadows.
First we crossed the field and went through the Sammatz gardens. Here, the habitat of the so-called synanthrope was presented, as it is home to some Pieridae and even small tortoiseshell butterflies. It was followed by the habitat of light forest, the home of the Speckled Wood and the nursery of the Common Brimstone, where we quickly discovered eggs on the many rotten trees. The meadow offered us some Small Heaths but it is also home to various species of Skippers. Two other habitats followed: the Calcareous grassland, an El Dorado for butterflies and a link between different habitats. Last came the humid forest, where the beautiful Purple Emperors and White Admiralds reside. However, we unfortunately did not get to see them.
In each section there was information on the caterpillar food plants, the butterflies and the importance and endangerment of the habitat. In total, we were able to track 10 species of butterflies and two types of moths; we visited 31 caterpillar food plants.
The participants were very pleased to have discovered more butterflies than we could have expected at the beginning of the excursion due to the moderate weather conditions. In the evening, the topic was further delved into during a lecture.

Silver-washed fritillary
Silver-washed fritillary
Michaelshof Sammatz - Tagfalter Seminar Teil 1 - Sara Groß
Sara Groß and the seminar participants in the field

Butterfly finds of the excursion

  • Field/Garden: Orange-Tip, Cabbage White, Green-veined White and Admiral

  • Forest: Speckled Wood, Common Brimstone, Common Wave (Moth)

  • Meadow: Small Heath, Small Copper, Gammaeule (Moth)

  • Calcareous grassland: Common Blue

  • Hedge: Large White

  • Humid forest:
Large White. From the Sammatz collection.


As a small, special event, an excursion for children took place on Sunday afternoon. Eleven children between the ages of 8 and 13 listened to half an hour of introduction about butterflies. The little ones were thrilled by exciting stories, colourful butterflies were admired and a curiosity for the subsequent excursion was quickly awakened. Our path led through all areas of the Sammatz Gardens to the caterpillar host plants where butterflies had laid eggs. The resourceful children quickly identified the bright orange and yellow eggs of the Orange-tip and Common Brimstone Butterflies, as well as the typical egg turrets of the Map on the underside of a stinging nettle leaf. Unfortunately, we found fewer butterflies on this excursion than the day before, which did not hamper the enthusiasm of the children in any way. Looking at the butterflies in a glass was obviously a lot of fun for them. Opening the glass and releasing the butterfly was a highly sought after task. On our short tour we were able to see a male and a female Common Brimstone, a Small Heath, a large white and two Green-veined Whites.

In the end, everyone was very satisfied if not a bit exhausted. We hope it was fun and we look forward to the next time!

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