Roses in full bloom

– every instant anew they enchant us with their abundance, their colours and scents. These days wandering through the Sammatz Gardens is like wading through a sea of flowers and roses.

The rose touches the human soul in a special way – for instance when it is ‘worth a thousand words’ whenever a lover hands it over to the loved one. The roses, too, which radiate their colours in the gardens now tell us more than we’d be able to express verbally.

A special time of the year – visit us, look and smell for yourselves! (-;

Welcome to the 1st Sammatzian Apple Day!

On the 13th of October we will celebrate the 1st Sammatzian Apple Day at Michaelshof. A day awaits you with a great program and offers:
  • Apple variety determination by the pomologists Hermann Stolberg and Urte Delft
  • Exhibition of around 80 varieties of the region
  • A mobile cider factory, where you can bring your own apples, pears and quince and have them pressed (minimum quantity 50 kg, registration required in advance)
  • Lectures and guided tours of the Sammatzian Gardens
  • Program for the little ones
  • Delicious Sammatzian Angler Beef on the skewers, warm apple juice and other delicacies, especially from Sammatzian production.

We are looking forward to a nice festival and a day that is all about the apple.

Sunday, October 13th
11:00 am – 05:00 pm
Admission is free!

Rose-blossom in Sammatz

The time has come – all over the gardens of Sammatz, the roses are starting to blossom. The whole of June will be a real month of roses with new, glorious surprises that are not to be missed.

In our gardens are approximately 2000 roses from about 500 different varieties, all waiting to delight flower lovers.

The great thing is that every rose is different. They grow individually, climb trees or form mighty bushes. They bloom in a variety of colours. Some impress with their fullness whilst others charm with delicate grace. Some have only a hint of aroma whilst others mesmerise with heavy scents.

The walk becomes a voyage of discovery – we wish you all heaps of joy and a very special rose experience!

From the Gardens of Sammatz

At the moment there is a wonderful mood of spring in the Sammatz gardens which invites you to take a joyful walk.

While the last tulips in shady places still unfold to reveal their strong, beautifully matching colours, the peonies are beginning to open up, competing for their place amongst the most magnificent flower formations.

All over the village, roses announce their arrival with buds and on the perennial plateau the first rhododendron have blossomed under the high old beeches in a picturesque fashion. The most beautiful clematis also attract attention again with their lush flower curtains.

For an experience that is charming in a completely different way, take a detour to the ‘Waldgärtlein’ located above the Waldsee, where currently the first beds containing shadow plants are coming into their own.

It is May: never before, especially in the morning hours, has birdsong rang so audibly in the nature of Sammatz as it has in recent weeks.

See you soon in the Gardens of Sammatz!

The tulips are coming! (And many early bloomers are already there.)

Our gardening season is getting in full swing: the first early bloomers already show their magnificent colours. As soon as it gets a little warmer, the Sammatz gardens will be in full bloom with ten thousands of tulips! A unique experience for all visitors from near and far.

The Sammatz Waldgärtlein

Our Waldgärtlein, named after the English garden designer Beth Chatto, is located above the Waldsee and is worth a visit. On one side it is bordered by a strong red beech hedge. On the other side with an open view of the Waldsee. There are also nine of our large sculptures to see. An impressive ambience, especially when the special shade plants come to life again.

Opening Hours

Mon.-Sat.: 08.00 - 18.00
Sun. und public holidays: 09.30 - 18.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Mon.-Sat. 08.00 - 18.00:
Sun. und public holidays: 09.30 - 18.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 am - 07.00 pm

Michaelshof Sammatz

Adress: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Adress: Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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