of the ‹Arche-Region Flusslandschaft Elbe›

Michaelshof Sammatz Seminar Rückblick Teaser Arche-Tag
Michaelshof Sammatz Seminar Rückblick Teaser Arche-Tag
of the ‹Arche-Region Flusslandschaft Elbe›


«Arche-Tag» at Michaelshof, 23.06.2019

Shining summer weather, approximately 2000 visitors and many interesting activities: The ‘Arche-Tag’ was held for the first time this year in Sammatz and was an all-round success. From the Sammatz Arche-Hof to the House of Nature, more than 30 sales and information booths lined up, which were visited by many interested guests.
The ‘Arche-Verband’ is an association of farms and animal owners that specialise in the care and preservation of old domestic breeds. In accordance with this, there was a range of delicious meat and dairy products of such farms, besides informative lectures on aurochs, Demeter cattle and milk processing. Animal of the year was the cow – Galina, the leader of our anglers red cattle herd, who gracefully adorned the poster and program card of the day.

Booth of the biosphere reserve Niedersächsische Elbtalaue.
Booth of the biosphere reserve Niedersächsische Elbtalaue.
Michaelshof Sammatz Arche-Tag Rückblick Image 2
Info and stalls at the House of Nature

We will never forget the ladies working on their own spinning chairs from the Neuhaus mills as well as the scents from the grills of various food suppliers which wafted over the grounds. The organic juice manufacturer Voelkel provided a chic juice bar, Café Himmelhoch came with a large stand and of course our own café was also busy. The children were enthusiastic about a rally in which they had to answer questions and waited in anticipation at the drawing of a raffle towards the end of the day.

Michaelshof Sammatz Arche-Tag, Frische Eier aus der Region
Fresh eggs from happy local chickens.
Michaelshof Sammatz, Arche-Tag, Ziehung der Tombola
Drawing of the raffle in front of the House of Nature.

The ‘Arche-Tag’ is a yearly event organised by the ‘Förderverein Arche-Region Flusslandschaft Elbe e. V.’ It is an important opportunity to demonstrate what the ‘Arche’ movement in the region has already achieved; plus it’s a great chance to get to know each other and socialise.

We would like to thank the Förderverein for coming to Michaelshof and we hope that all the visitors enjoyed their time with us!

Michaelshof Sammatz Arche-Tag, Amtsspinnerei Neuhaus
The spinning ladies of the Amt Neuhaus mills.

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Opening Hours

Mon. - Fri.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sat.: 08.00 - 21.00
Sun. and holidays: 09.30 - 21.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00
Mon. - Fri.: 08.00 - 11.00
14.00 – 21.00
Sat.: 08.00 - 21.00
Sun. and holidays: 09.30 - 21.00
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Adress: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Adress: Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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