Where you can work
There are many options regarding how and where you can help us in terms of work. You will find a large number of very different working areas. Many volunteers know from the beginning in which field they would like to work in; some even want to focus entirely on one area of work and stay in agriculture, education, etc. Another might only want to work there for half of the day. Others want to get to know as many work areas as possible and jump from one area to the next.
In addition to what you want, there are the different requirements of our place. Because it might be the case that carrots have to be harvested, which requires the use of many hands; the weeding of flowers, and vegetables is a constant requirement that belongs to the gardening and must be done at different intensities. Our children’s home Peronnik gladly accepts volunteers for work, as well as kitchen, dairy, bakery, agriculture, café, construction and more. Employees are always needed in these areas and we look forward to every helper.
Of course, we also have to pay attention to where the abilities of the individual lie. It’s sometimes the case that some people would like to do an activity, but it turns out that they are not so good at it. But it turns out that actually, every volunteer brings skills that are needed for the work at Michaelshof. Some discover something new, for example, that they are a great craftsman or have a special knack for looking after young people.
It’s a lot of fun to put together a productive mix every day. I think that we have done quite well so far. This is clear from many reports in the guestbook, in interviews, etc.
Let yourself be amazed
when you see, hear, feel and touch everything!
Of course, not every day at work is full of happiness. It’s more like in normal life where there are ups and downs too. For most
Let yourself be amazed when you see, hear, feel and touch everything here. From the wonderful roses to the fragrant mint, from the beautiful fruit tree blossom to the delicious strawberries in the summer, from the playful calves to the insatiable cows. The sheep, horses and pigs, the screeching children who play on the playground, the fragrant bread, delicious yoghurt and 1000 things more.