
Our own butcher’s is fully planned and is expected to open later this year. We think that when it comes to slaughter it is good if the animals do not have to be transported with a van and trailer to the abattoir. It’s preferable that they can go by foot from the place that they have lived to meet their unfortunately unavoidable destiny.

We are therefore pleased that we will soon produce and sell sausage and meat in our own way. Everything that you have read and seen about our Archehof makes one thing clear. We strive to produce meat from species-appropriate animals kept in outdoor stables – which of course only graze on biodynamically maintained pastures and get to eat tasty hay in winter. The meat hardly loses weight when cooked. In other words, it maintains its consistency, because it hardly loses water as does the conventional meat that we’re more familiar with.

As an ‘Archehof’,

we are committed to preserving old domestic animal breeds …

Even in an age where vegetarian/vegan consumption is increasingly popular, tastily prepared meat is still for many people a pleasure that they do not want to miss. We consider that quite tolerant. Some love it, the others think it’s sh…. Opinions differ. We can understand all perspectives, but as an ‘Archehof‘, we are committed to preserving old domestic animal breeds.

We consider it absolutely worthwhile to maintain healthy animal breeds which have been companion animals for hundreds of years in such a way that they will continue to shape agricultural life in the future. All the animals you encounter at our farm belong to such animal breeds, which are classified as highly endangered. They have been replaced by modern breeds that give much more milk, lay many more eggs, or are better for meat production (as is the case for pigs).

However, this is financially supported by farming that prioritises profit to the detriment of animal welfare. Factory farming equals cheap produce. The animal is not given respect, rather it is treated as a soulless object. Everybody knows of pigs that can not stand anymore and overbred cows and poultry that can not even move.

Our animals lead a happy life ,

and we think that can be tasted! …

We observe on a daily basis that our animals lead a happy life and we think that can be tasted! ? After all, slaughter can not be avoided even in our ‘exemplary’ agricultural business – unless it is desired by many customers. No amount of grazing land would be sufficient in the long run to feed all the animals if they (males included) were to be retained. Then, as is the case everywhere in the wild, it would come to natural selection where only the strongest animals survive.

The beautiful breeds of domestic animals – but also the bees and all our crops, from grain to vegetables, etc. – have come about because humans have bred them from wild animals or plants. Since ancient times they have lived closely together with humans and fed them in many ways: with cow, sheep or goat milk as well as the products that come from it such as cheese, yoghurt etc. The eggs laid by chickens, through to the honey of the bees. The wool from the sheep provided warm clothes. Leather made from the animals skin has always been used in a variety of ways.

So is the flesh, which still serves as the basis of nutrition for much of humanity today.

Our alternative to an agriculture that focuses only on revenue and barely pays attention to the quality of its products is therefore an animal husbandry including slaughter that guarantees the consumer that their sausages and meat products come from healthy and strong animals whose origin is known. The consumer can also rest assured that the products are made without flavour enhancers and other artificial ingredients.

For some years we have given the animals to a butcher’s that we know processes the meat carefully and professionally. It only offers sausage and meat products from animals that have been kept biologically or biodynamically. This already guarantees delicious meat which is certain to be nutritious and healthy.

Our herds are now big enough that we can slaughter regularly. This is why the development of a larger sales network is only just beginning. So far, the sausage and meat products have only been sold in our farm shop and 2-3 shops in the vicinity. An online shop will start operating this year which will also supply fresh produce from Sammatz to customers in more remote locations. For anyone from the surrounding area it will soon be possible to order desired meat products in the farm shop before the respective slaughter, either as large parts or in the usual small packaging. On request, we are also happy to inform you when we have certain products on offer.

We wish you a good appetite

and a balanced, healthy diet!

Opening Hours

The Café is currently in Winter break.
Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00
The Café is currently on Winter break. Farm Shop
Mon. - Fri.: 10.00 - 07.00
Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 10.00 - 07.00

Michaelshof Sammatz

Adress: Im Dorfe 11
29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32
Adress: Im Dorfe 11, 29490 Sammatz
Phone: +49 5858 970-30
Mail: info@sammatz.de
Donations Account
Michaelshof Stiftung Sammatz
IBAN: DE08 2405 0110 0065 8023 32

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